Dancing in Flowers

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As the morning sun rose about the horizon, Aisleigh wiped her brow. She had been planting in her small garden for close to an hour. Watching the sun rise, she was beginning to face her days with more optimism. Her farm was growing, she was becoming more social in town, and her artwork was taking off; she had even managed to sell as few items online. Everything is finally falling into place. She stood up from her budding plants, genuinely happy.

Off in the distance, she could see Spike playing in the grassy fields. She smiled as she took off her wicker hat. Holding it in her hands, she remembered how she had won the hat. About a week before hand, Pelican Town held their spring egg hunt. She had wanted to make her own mark, since she had started feeling more and more a part of the town. Mayor Lewis had called together participants and Aisleigh quickly joined them. She stood next to Abigail as he explained the rules; more for her own benefit than anyone else's.

"I win every year," Abigail taunted.

Aisleigh smiled, keeping her attention on Mayor Lewis, "Well, I hope you aren't a sore loser. Because I plan to win."

"Is that so?"

"It is." The two girls giggled with each other, their eyes burning with delight.

As they readied themselves while Lewis counted down, they wished each other luck. I doubt I'll need it. They had a minute to find as many eggs as they could, and once the whistle blew, they were off. Aisleigh kept her attention on finding eggs, not minding the cheers that came from everyone else. The clocked ticked down, her hands grabbing as quickly as they could. The whistle blew once more, calling everyone in. And this one makes ten.

In the center of that town square, Mayor Lewis counted each participants bag. Before he announced the winner, everyone let out a chuckle as he made a poor joke about picking up garbage. Aisleigh began to shake with anticipation. She was hoping that she was the winner. She wanted it more than anything in that moment. She closed her eyes tightly, crossing her fingers as she waited for the results.

"And the winner of this year's egg hunt is..." Mayor Lewis paused, building dramatic tension. "Aisleigh! Well done!" Surprised, Aisleigh stepped forward, claiming her prize. From behind his back, a small hat appeared. It was simple, but oh so very cute, she thought. Instantly putting it on her head, she turned around to her neighbors, smiling from ear to ear. Off in the distance, underneath a large tree, she saw Sebastian smiling to himself.


Walking in from the warming spring, Aisleigh hung her hat up, took off her boots, and sat down on a simple wicker chair. It was a collaboration with Leah-the red headed resident sculptor. In her free time, and with some spare fabric from Pierre's, Aisleigh had managed to make a few seat cushions that completed the chair. She glanced around her small abode, and was glad that she had decided to stay. The old cabin was definitely becoming a place where she felt secure; like she was finally apart of something again. She sighed pleasantly to herself. But, as she looked around, she was starting to feel cramped. Aisleigh had managed to fill her home with her artwork, potted plants, and bright lights. Maybe I should ask Robin to build a studio? Or at least a separate bedroom.

Deciding on this plan impulsively, Aisleigh stood up quickly as she slipped her boots back on her feet. By the door, she quickly grabbed Spike's harness. Opening the door way, she called out to her pet. She could hear her tiny footsteps pouncing on the ground. Aisleigh smiled, enjoying her kitten. As Spike met her at the porch, she attached the harness readying to leave.

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