Summer Heat

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Summer had started, and Aisleigh was finding it difficult to work in the heat. Sure, there had been heat in the city, but there was always a way to escape it. Here, she had no such luck. Most of her days, she spent the early morning outside before venturing back inside her newly renovated house. With her new bedroom, she had rigged a room divider so that she had a place to work on her artwork. At first, she had plenty of space. But as time progressed, she was once again running out of room. She sighed to herself, as she sat on her couch slouched watching the T.V. Suddenly, her phone rang. Already tired from the morning, she struggled to sit up to answer her phone.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, princess! I haven't heard from you in a while, so I thought I would check in. Everything going alright?"

"Yeah, everything is going great. How are you?"

"You know me, always to the grind stone. Which is why I was calling you. It's been a while since I saw you last, how would you like to visit your old man for a night out?"

"I'd like that much! Did you have a day you wanted to do that?"

"How's tomorrow night sound? We could talk about your farm, your artwork-which I've seen people around buying it, very impressed-and anything else you wanted to talk about."

"That sounds great!" She paused, thinking, "Say dad?"


"How's your I.T. department? Still lack luster?"

"You could say that. Why do you ask?"

"Well, there's a friend in town that does programing, and I was thinking since they've always wanted to see the city, that perhaps you would be interested in looking at their work."

"That sounds plausible. So, tomorrow. How's eight sound? At our usual place?"

"Yes! It's been forever since I've had a real juicy burger. Will Grace be joining us?"

"Probably, she misses you too."

"Awesome, tomorrow at eight. We might stop by the house earlier if that's okay."

"Sure, you can catch up with Grace."

"Okay, see you then!"

Aisleigh hung up her phone, excited for the next evening. She was already thinking of everything she needed to prepare by then. First things first, she thought as she put on her shoes, walking out the door. It was close to noon, and she was already detesting her time outside. She had barely left the cool of her house and was already beginning to sweat. This is really unattractive. I hope this won't be a problem.

Reaching Sebastian's house, she wiped her brow. Aisleigh was still sweating as she entered Robin's shop, as she tried to cool down.

"Another hot one?" Robin asked, as Aisleigh walked down to Sebastian's room.

"Yup. I really hope my plants don't die before the season's over."

Robin smiled at her remark, "Well, I'm sure that you can make it work."

"I hope so," she said, watching as Robin went back to drawing up some plans for a building renovation.

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now