The Height of Bliss

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Aisleigh had been extraordinarily happy once summer had ended. Her farm was now in full swing, her relationship with Sebastian was going well, her artwork was phenomenal. Everything that she had hoped had come true. As she walked into her home from tending her land, she noticed a note on her coffee table. Curious, she read it quickly. It was simple, sweet and to the point. Just as she had expected. Sebastian had left her home early that morning, to tend to his work that had been piling up. He could have texted, called, or even told her what he was doing. But, his note was everything she needed.

After reading it, her fingers traced his farewell, nothing but his name written on the parchment. But, again, that was how he did things. He was not really all that romantic, but his gestures were constantly reaffirming his feelings towards her. From a small pillow sat at the foot of her bed, Spike meowed and stretched just waking from her slumber. Since Aisleigh and Sebastian had been spending more time together, Spike seemed to be more quiet and distant, like any cat would. Aisleigh walked over to her companion, stroking her body as Spike arched her back and tail to Aisleigh's touch.

Sitting down on her bed, letting Spike situate herself on Aisleigh's lap, she looked around her home, thinking about her future. Together, Sebastian and Aisleigh had talked about their own dreams, marriage, children, things couples would talk about. Their talks made her feel alive, like she had made the right choice, that Sebastian was the one that she had been waiting her whole life for. As her eyes danced around her home, glancing at paintings, drawings and the like, it was seeming to her that she once again needed to expand her house. Living together, we need our own spaces to work. And children would need their own rooms. She couldn't help but blush and smile to herself as she thought about having little tiny feet patter around the wooden floors; children that Sebastian and her would have together.

Feeling up to the challenge, Aisleigh walked to her drawing table, and began to sketch out some rough ideas. Hours passed by as she drew out all the things she wanted in her "new" home. An office for Sebastian, a studio for her, and a few rooms for children. She decided on adding a play room to the side of her house, just for extra play space. As she put down her pencil, Aisleigh held up the paper. Brimming with delight, she was extremely satisfied about her plans. When she could no longer hold in her excitement, she took her plans to Robin's hoping that she would be able to keep her plans silent.

Quietly, Aisleigh tipped toed into Robin's shop, making sure that she kept her voice down. Catching the red headed builder, Aisleigh held her finger to her lips, motioning for them to keep their voices down.

"These are beautiful designs," Robin whispered. "And you want these rooms here?" She asked, clarifying the two office type workspaces. Aisleigh nodded in agreement, looking around to make sure the two of them were alone. "An extra bathroom, a few rooms... You wouldn't be planning something big, now would you?" Robin teased Aisleigh. She couldn't help but blush at her possibly future mother-in-law's statement. Robin let out a low chuckle, making sure to keep her voice down so that her son wouldn't hear. "I think it's cute. Don't worry, this will be our little secret." She winked.

The carpenter was glad that her son had found someone who had accepted him, for all his flaws. As she watched the girl in front of her gush over the drawn plans, it made Robin wonder, how much one person could love and care for another. She thought of her life with Demetrius, raising Sebastian and Maru together. And, slowly, she began to wonder if the two of them actually fit together. Sure, Demetrius stepped up and was a father figure to Sebastian when there was none to be seen. And, they were married and had a beautiful daughter together. But, the way Aisleigh's eyes sparkled when she spoke of these plans for her and Sebastian, Robin couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart. Did she ever look like that when she talked of her husband? Did she seem to blush when their eyes met?

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