The Boardwalk at Midnight

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Aisleigh stood by her mailbox patiently. It had been a few weeks since her trip to the city, everything still felt like a dream. On the ride home, they both sat in silence, daring not to mention what they had shared the night before, when Aisleigh was slightly inebriated. When they had finally returned home, they went about their business. It was awkward when the would see each other in town. So much so, that Aisleigh had stopped going altogether, out of her own fear of seeing Sebastian and forcing them to talk about what had transpired.

As a small mail truck pulled up to her house, Aisleigh could hardly stand her excitement. Her arms reached out eagerly, as an envelope graced her trembling hands. She signed for the package before walking inside her small house, escaping the still hot summer heat. From her living room, the T.V. was on, broadcasting this week's weather. It was going to continue to get hot towards the end of the week, but it looked as if it might cool down this weekend-this news made Aisleigh excited. For as long as she had lived in this quiet and small town that was Stardew, she had learned that every few months, when the seasons were about to change, there was a small get together.

This weekend was supposed to the best one, in some opinions. But, anything beyond that was a mystery. She quickly pushed those thoughts from her mind and began to focus on the matter at hand-see how well her pictures turned out. Finally reaching her bedroom and slowly sitting on her bed, Aisleigh opened her mail tentatively, her hands shaking as the peeled back the closure. Spike jumped on the bed next to her, curious and wanting attention. She sat peacefully next to Aisleigh wrapping her tail around her tiny paws.

"How do you think they turned out?" Spike cocked her head to the side, "I hope they did too." Aisleigh took a deep breath, pulling the photo paper out slowly. She always loved the way photo paper felt against she fingers, sturdy and glossy, but still completely delicate. Aisleigh had closed her eyes, trying to contain herself-she was too excited and nervous to reminisce about the adventure she and Sebastian had taken weeks before. "I can't do this." She sighed heavily. Her cheeks burned below her eyes, and her hands shook violently. I'm such a mess, over some pictures. Unable to look at the memories, Aisleigh put them back into the envelope. She sighed once again, disappointed in herself.

I got the pictures developed, she texted, but I can't look at them. Do you want to see? Aisleigh looked at the time, seeing that it was still early in the morning. Sebastian would still be sleeping, or busy working, she thought to herself. Aisleigh pulled her legs underneath herself, holding them close to her, as she pondered what to do. All of her morning chores were taken care of so she had nothing to do but think to herself.

Ever since the night that the two of them had spent together, Aisleigh felt unsure of herself. Especially around Sebastian. She had tried to act normal when the two texted back and forth, but she had kept herself hidden away from him, too afraid to read too much into the moments that they had shared shopping, talking, and a secret kiss. She groaned to herself as her cheeks turned to fire. As if to hide herself away even more, she buried her face into one of her many bed pillows.


Sebastian woke to his phone vibrating beside him. Before seeing who it was, he groaned loudly in protest to waking. He had been busy working lately, and it was starting to take its toll. His days were spent coding and fixing simple issues for his regular clients, and his nights filled with new projects from Aisleigh's father. Since their meeting, her father made sure that he would keep his word about working with Sebastian. And he had done just that. But, in an attempt to keep up a good appearance, Sebastian made sure that he would get things done as soon as possible-whether it was for his resume' or him wanting to prove to himself and her father, that he was a good man.

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