An Unlikely Confidant

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The rain pelted the top of Aisleigh's head as she stood in front of the door she had been thinking of for the past three hours. This place was a last resort, but seemed to be the only place she could go where she would feel welcomed. Where no questions would be asked. Lightly, she knocked on the door. She stood for a few seconds before the reality of her actions had set in. What have I done? I have to get home... I have to—her thoughts were cut off as the door creeped open.

"Aisleigh? This is a welcomed surprise. What brings you here?" A woman greeted. Her eyes were bright, delighted to see Aisleigh, despite her visit being unannounced. Her long brunette hair was tied loosely at the nape of her neck, grey hairs framing her face. She looked elegant, ageing magnificently since the last time Aisleigh had seen her.

"I don't know... I think I was about to leave, actually..." Her voice faded away as her eyes rolled back into her head, a wave of nausea crawling up the back of her throat. She could feel her face growing whiter with each passing moment, a chill running up her spine as she tried to prevent the nonexistent contents of her stomach from going all over the sidewalk.

"Are you alright? You look pale," the woman at the door said, her face concerned. "Do you need to come inside? You're getting soaked out here."

"No, I don't want to be a bother." Aisleigh turned to leave, only to become dizzy as she rounded the step behind her. Her hands flew out in front of her, to catch her fall, only to be held by the woman in the doorway.

"You wouldn't. Come inside. I'll show you to the bathroom." Slowly, the woman guided Aisleigh inside carefully.

"I don't need your help," Aisleigh protested. "I need to get home. I've made a mistake."

"That maybe," the woman said holding Aisleigh underneath her arm, "But, do you think you would make it?" Instinctively, she reached towards Aisleigh's forehead, feeling for a fever. "Did you eat anything to make you sick?"

"Now you care? I guess I really have reached rock bottom," Aisleigh said coldly, attempting to push away her hand. But she stopped as she felt her stomach lurch once more.

"Here's the bathroom," she said letting Aisleigh go, ignoring her chill words, "I'll be in the kitchen when you're finished. Do you want something to drink? I have water and ginger ale."

"I want to go home," Aisleigh demanded as she hoovered over the toilet seat, gaging.

"Later when you feel better." The woman walked towards the kitchen pulling a glass from her cabinet. She filled it half way with ginger ale, thinking that she would offer saltine crackers as well. As she arranged her offering on the counter, waiting for Aisleigh to finish in the bathroom, she began to think. How long had it been since she had seen her? Why did she come here instead of going to her father's house? Surely, she would have felt more comfortable there. In the distance, she could hear Aisleigh coughing, as if she was struggling to purge her stomach. She noted that Aisleigh looked exhausted, like she hadn't had a good night's sleep in months. Aisleigh looked to be nothing but skin and bones. Was she not eating properly?

The bathroom door creeped open, as Aisleigh emerged looking worse than when she went in. She walked weakly to the kitchen, propping herself against the wall. It took all the energy that she had to make it to a stool and sit down, laying her head against the cool stone counter.

"Here, these should help your stomach," the woman said, pushing the food and drink towards Aisleigh. Reluctantly, she began to nibble on the crackers, sipping on the ginger ale.

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now