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Aisleigh sat on the couch in her mother's living room holding a prescription. The doctor's words still echoed loudly in her head. Then her phone call with Sebastian flooded her mind. Her heart began to race as she waited for him to get to her mother's house. Her mother had left her alone to go shopping for somethings. She said she would be back late, giving Aisleigh and Sebastian enough time to talk about what they needed to.

Suddenly, a knock came from the front door, causing her heart to leap from her chest. That was fast, she thought. Carefully, Aisleigh stood, walking to open the door.

"Hey," Sebastian greeted, his face in pain.

"Hey..." They stood in the doorway starring at each other, not knowing how to speak. "Thanks for coming..." Aisleigh said weakly, stepping out of the way for Sebastian to enter.

"Yeah... So..."

"Do you want something to drink? To eat? I think my mom might have something in the kitchen."

"Water would be fine. Is she here?"

"No," Aisleigh explained as she walked to get Sebastian a glass of water, "She said she was going to be out, to give us time to talk... You can sit on the couch, if you want."

"Thanks." The air between them felt heavy, as if everything between them was fading away. "I talked with my mom," Sebastian started, "And told her she had no right to tell you that in her note..."

"I apricate it," Aisleigh said as she handed Sebastian the water. She watched as he gulped the water quickly. When he was finished, Sebastian gasped for air. "Do you want some more?"

"Yeah." Aisleigh quickly made her way back to the kitchen, thinking of how to start her explanation.

"So... My dad told you about my... history." She struggled get water the second time, her hands were shaking. Never in her life did she want her past to back to her. It was something that she herself wanted to forget. The months of therapy. The heartache that it caused everyone. The walking on eggshells around her. Aisleigh just wanted everyone around her to see her as she was now; someone who was happy all the time. But, Sebastian knew. She could feel things change between them. Her eyes began to water as she thought about all the times when she and Sebastian had been together, all the times that she felt that her past wouldn't be able to touch.

But everything had changed. Her memories and her future had been corrupted. Everything, she felt, was coming to an end. There was no way that Sebastian would be able to look at her the same way. She was tainted. She was ruined. No one in their right mind would take her ever again. The glass fell to the ground, shattering into millions of pieces.

"Aisleigh?" Sebastian called out, coming to see her. "Here," he said getting a broom, "Let me help." He swept up the glass shards around her feet as Aisleigh stood, unfazed. As Sebastian finished, he noticed blood began to pool around her feet. He stood silently, getting paper towels to soak up the water and clean up the blood as it rolled down her legs.

"You must think I'm pathetic." Aisleigh whispered through her tears. "I can't even get water without breaking something."

"It's alright. It's all cleaned up now," Sebastian said as he guided Aisleigh to the couch so that they could sit together. He pulled her legs onto this lap so that he could wipe away the blood that stained her skin as it began to clot. "So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked, his mind thinking the worst.

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now