When It All Fades Away

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"Look at this place!" Aisleigh yelled as she opened the door to her newly remodeled house. She breathed in deep, taking in the smell of new floors, new walls, new everything. She dropped her bags on the ground, glad to be back in her own home. "Isn't this perfect?" She asked spinning around in circles.

"Yeah," Sebastian said as he slowly walked through the door way. He was always impressed by his mother's work, but something felt like she had added a few touches, as congratulations. "It's not as cozy, though."

"Maybe not now. But, eventually." Aisleigh wondered around after she let Spike out of her carrier. She watched as the cat snuck around, unsure of her surroundings. Reaching the set of stairs, Aisleigh touched the railing, imaging what was added. As she climbed the stairs, she thought of new projects she could do, adding color there, a painting here. At the top, the floor was covered in carpet. Aisleigh went passed each room that was added, opening doors to peek inside. She was overcome with joy. This was her home. And soon, she and Sebastian would share it together with children running around. So much potential, so much life could be brought back here. So much love can be born.

From the bottom of the stairs, Sebastian called up to Aisleigh. He let her know that he was going to run home to grab some necessities and then hang out with Sam. Something about he had not spent a lot of time with him since they had extended their weekend to a few months at her parents. "Alright, I'll be here. I'm going to try to get everything in its own place." Sebastian said something to the effect of a goodbye, before leaving Aisleigh all alone in her new house.

"What to do first... Maybe the living room? No, the bed room. I can do the living room later... Oh! My studio!" Excited, she ran down the stairs, remembering where she had drawn out where she wanted her own area. Off of the living room, there was a double doorway, leading out behind the house. It was made of glass with shear curtains covering them. It looks so magical, she thought. She turned the handle and opened the doors. As the room came to view, Aisleigh was astonished. Three of the walls were blank, with storage either on the floor or hanging from the walls. The wall furthest away from her, was completely glass-a window wall. Tables for all sorts of projects were around the room, giving her plenty of surfaces to work on. There was an easel against one wall. It was on wheels so that she could move it easily around the room. But, the best part of her new studio, was a massive drafting table in the middle of the room. It faced the windowed-wall, hoping to spark constant inspiration. As she walked toward the table, she noticed a hand-written note.

I hope you enjoy this space, just for you. I noticed that you didn't have a lot of area for your work. So, I made you a few things. Just make sure you take care of my Sebastian.


Aisleigh held the paper in her hands, trembling. Everything in this room was all she had ever dreamed of while she was in school. With a complete studio, she could really let her ambitions take control of her. "Thanks, Robin," she whispered to herself, pulling the note to cover her face, "This is more than I could have ever hoped for."


Sebastian was digging around his room, throwing all of his clothes into a bag. He stopped for a for a moment as he thought about his life these past few months.

'I've been looking over you work, Sebastian. And though I'm retired now, I had put in a good word for you at the company. When you're ready and settled in your new home, give them a call. I'm sure that they will be more than willing to give you a stay at home job. And the pay won't be so bad either.'

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now