Weathering Hardships

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A few weeks went by, as things started to fall into place. Aisleigh was becoming more active in the small town, and was now no longer feeling like the new girl. As rain lightly fell onto her window, she looked out sipping a cup of coffee. Third day this week, and I haven't planted a thing. Most of the debris covering her land was gone, transforming her land. The day after her drunken pity party, Aisleigh made a few calls, with the help of her father and Mayor Lewis, and was able to get a small company to come out and help Robin clear everything.

But, things were starting to slow down once again, seeming to damper her ambitious spirit. Sighing, Aisleigh stepped away from the window as she walked over to her sink, rinsing out the now empty cup. Standing at the counter, she turned on her small television set. The weekly weather report predicted more rain for the next few days. She sighed, turning her attention to Spike, who was playing with a few toys Aisleigh had made during her days spent inside.

On the nightstand, her phone began to ring, but she paid it no mind. She had received a few calls from Abigail, texts from Sam. Even a few invitations out to the saloon by other locals. But, nothing from Sebastian. She was beginning to wonder if he really meant to build a friendship. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to say things on a whim, she thought. Still, it would be nice to hear from him once in a while. A loud crack of thunder sounded over her home. Sighing, she looked around her abode, trying to find something to do. She had sculpted a bit and finished a few studies of the forest around her. Everything that felt stagnate while she was in the city, seemed to flow openly; giving her the creative outlet she was looking for. But lately she was finding it difficult to become inspired again.

As she dug deep within herself to try to think of a new idea for her artwork, she heard an urgent knock at her door. Curious, she walked towards the door, opening it. Pierre stood in the doorway, holding an umbrella over his head as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Hey, Pierre. Everything alright?" She asked concerned. It was Thursday, and it seemed rather odd that he would leave his shop unattended.

"Have you seen Abigail? She never came home last night, and we're beginning to worry about her."

"I haven't, but I'm sure she's alright." Aisleigh said as she leaned against her doorframe casually. "She stays out pretty late all the time, right?"

"She does," Pierre started to explain as his breathing slowed. He took off his glasses, drying them with his shirt, "But, she always comes home. Caroline is really starting to worry. They had a rather heated argument last night before she left home." He paused, inspecting his glasses. Seeming satisfied he put them back on, as he looked pleadingly at Aisleigh, "I hate to ask, but would you mind looking for her? Neither Sam nor Sebastian have heard from her."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll change really quick and go find her."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Turning to leave, Pierre hoisted his umbrella over his head as he ran back into town. Closing her door slowly, Aisleigh walked over towards her dresser to change clothes. Pulling out a hoodie, she heard her phone ring once again. Raising a brow, she walked over to answer it.



"Abigail? Where are you?" It was hard to hear her, the line hissed in her ears.

"Mines. I'm-"

"Abigail, you're in the mines?"

"I'm stuck. Help-"

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now