Chapter 5 (Alexa)

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I opened my eyes and my head was pounding. I kept my head under my pillow to block out the sun. What the hell happened last night? I don't remember much it was all a blur.

When my headache started to subside I sat up and look around. This isn't my room?! Where am I?! Was I kidnapped?! Oh god, where's my phone?! I got up and started looking around the bed. I found my phone on the nightstand with a glass of water and some Advil next to it.

Thank you to whoever left this. I took the pill, drank the water, got my phone and headed out the room. I found the staircase to my left and as I descended it the living space started to look familiar. I'm in Clark's house, except it doesn't even look like a party happened here.

I walked around till I found the kitchen and there I found Clark eating his breakfast. As I entered the room Clark turned around. "Good morning Alexa. Did you sleep well?" He look me up and down then smirked.

"I slept fine, thank you. Uh thanks for letting me stay but I think I'll leave now." Clark laughed then looked me up and down again. I gave him a confused look then checked out what he was laughing about. My eyes grew big as I realized I was just in a big shirt. Where did my clothes from yesterday go?

"I'm guessing you don't remember anything from last night? Well, your clothes are folded on the desk in the room you slept in. A good friend of mine brought you in right when your best friends were looking for you.

When they saw your condition they said it was better that you slept here because you parents would kill them if they found out that they got you drunk and passed out. And my friend Tyler, the guy who brought you in, tucked you in bed." Clark explained.

I was speechless... I got drunk... I drank... And my best friends left me here... And a guy I don't even know tucked me in bed... And somehow changed my clothes... I felt disgusting.

I thanked Clark once again, went back to the room, and got dressed. I dialed Natalie since I don't have a ride home. "Hey Lexa, how are you?" I could here the smile in her voice.

"Nat why the hell did you leave me in a practically stranger's house?! And I need a ride home, come pick me up now! I just want to get out of here." I whispered screamed at her. Just in case Clark can hear me.

"You were passed out. Don't worry I told your parents you slept over since it was getting late. We're going to meet them at some restaurant for lunch." Natalie told me. "Ok. Bring me some clothes when you pick me up please. And a toothbrush."

"Why don't you just ask Clark for a spare toothbrush and if you can shower. I'll be there in 10 minutes anyways. When you're done I'll be there with your clothes." Natalie suggested. "I barely know the guy! I'm not comfortable with that." I practically screamed at her. She knows how I am with other people. As much as possible I like to fend for myself.

"Lexa it's your choice, do you want to reek of alcohol and look like you have a hangover? Which is true anyways but you get my point right?" I hate to admit but Natalie's right. "Fine. I'll ask." We ended the call and went to the kitchen to look for Clark.

"You're back. I thought you were leaving." Clark said looking away from his phone. "Yeah I am but before that I have a favor to ask you..." Breath Lexa, you're just asking if you could use the bathroom. No big deal.

"Uhh could I... Umm... Take a shower here? I ahh... Have a lunch with my family... and uhh... Natalie and I are going straight there." That was hard to say.

"No problem. You could use the bathroom in the guess room where you slept. There's a towel in there already that you can use. And a toothbrush as well. I'm guessing you'll be needing that too. Feel free to use anything you need from the bathroom." I nodded my head and got ready to shower.

Right when I finished everything I needed to do in the bathroom, I found Natalie sitting on the bed with my clothes beside her. "Here you go." She handed me a white ruffled dress with brown braided straps and a brown belt.

She also handed me brown gladiator sandals and a brown bucket bag. I put all my clothes from yesterday in a paper bag as well as my shoes and we headed out. We said goodbye to Clark and we got in Nat's car and left.

"Cute outfit by the way Nat." She was wearing a v-neck, horizontal stripped romper that was grey and white. Then she paired it with a grey tasseled bag and black stained glass designed sandals. "Thanks. You know I never leave without a worthy outfit." She grinned. That is true. I've never seen Natalie dressed up bad. Not even when she's sick.

"So Lexa... Are you going to tell me who the guy was? And what did you guys do last night?" Natalie smirked at me. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even remember what I did last night. All Clark told me was his friend... Uhh what's his name? Anyway. His friend helped me and put me to bed."

"Oh Lexa, why didn't you ask Clark for a number or something?" Nat said. "Why would I? I don't even know the guy and you know how I am with new people... I freak out." I really don't see why Natalie wants me to get the guys number. I shake my head and looked out the window.

"Why are we at your house, I thought we were going to the restaurant?" I asked confused. "We're picking Adrian up." Adrian stepped out of the house and walk towards us. He was wearing a pastel pink fitted polo with the sleeves rolled up until his elbow and navy blue shorts. From his polo you can see the outline of his muscles on his arms and back.

He got in the back seat since I got shotgun and he looked so squished. "Adrian why are you so fat? See you barely fit in your seat." Natalie teased. "Yes I'm fat. It's so obvious because of my flat stomach." Adrian answered sarcastically. Natalie rolled her eyes and we continued our drive in silence.

We arrived at the restaurant and we were lead to a small room where all our parents were seated. "Hey kids! How was your sleepover?" My mom stood up and gave all of us hugs. "It was fun!" I answered. "But it was just mostly us sleeping. We were so exhausted." Natalie added.

"I'm sure you guys are hungry so why don't we all sit down and I'll have them serve the food." Tom, Natalie's dad, said.  We all took our seats and the food came in one by one. I was so hungry I dug in immediately. For me this was just breakfast.

Throughout the whole lunch all the moms were looking at us with such huge smiles. I mean I know my mom loves me and all but there just a different feeling with her smile.

"Why are you staring at us like that mom?" Adrian asked. "Ok well tell you guys already. I can't hold it anymore." She answered. "Me neither" my mom said bouncing on her chair. "Ok on the count of three. 1...2...3..." Natalie's mom counted.

"We're renting a yacht and going to this secluded island and we're staying there for a week!!!" They all said in unison. My jaw dropped. A week on an island and a yacht going there... I can't even...

"OMG!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! AHHH!!!" Natalie shouted. "A week of an actual vacation! Finally!" I cheered. We've been all just hanging around with nothing to do for the past few weeks. 

"When do we leave?" Adrian asked. "In two weeks." Dad answered. "What are we supposed to do until then?" Natalie frowned. "I'm bored out of my mind already." Adrian complained. "Common guys it's not that bad. We could got to the beach, then Nat you and I could shop for the trip." I convinced.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We need to get new clothes!!!" Natalie jumped in excitement. Adrian on the other hand sunk lower into his seat. He knows he going to have to go with us. I smiled, he's going to hate us.


Next Chapter will be in Maddie's POV. I hope you enjoyed! :)

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