Chapter 2 (Maddie)

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( I felt swaying, as if I was drifting in the ocean. Cool wind blows on my face, as I open my eyes. I'm greeted with silence, only the sound of the moving water present. I look around but I'm alone, on each and every side miles and miles of water and no land. I look beneath me and I find a wooden raft, its bizarre shape making it appear as if it was broken off of something.

 I was lost. I didn't know who I was. Panicked I tried to remember how I got here. What happened? Everything was hazy I couldn't remember anything. Who am I? How stupid are you that you can't remember who you are? My head started pounding. The waves began to get larger and larger, came quicker and sharper. Then this enormous, powerful wave washed me off my raft and into the deep dark ocean. )

"Is she dead?" "Is she alive?" "She's breathing but she's knocked out." "Does that mean she's sleeping?" "We should call mom and dad and take her to the hospital." "Who is she?" "Lucas not now." "Her head is wounded hurry call an ambulance" "Her eyes are twitching. Miss? Are you alright?" "Pick her up and let's wait by the road" "Be careful with her head" 

My head was throbbing. I felt someone carrying me. Why can't I open my eyes? "Mmm." "She's trying to say something." "Did you call mom or dad yet?" "Yeah they'll meet us at the hospital." "I hope she's going to be okay." "She will buddy. Don't worry" "I see-"


I opened my eyes and I was in a room, white walls all around and a window in one side. Two doors in one corner and a cushioned bench across the bed, monitor beeping beside me. I was in a hospital. I could hear hush voices coming from the other room but I couldn't understand what they were saying. A lady joined me in the room and smiled. "You're awake. How are you feeling dear?" My head started to hurt. I was lost I-I don't remember anything. Who am I? WHO AM I? I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. My throat felt dry and the lady passed me the water from the table on the side. I quickly drank the water. "Slow down dear, just calm down."

"I-I don't know who I am. I don't remember anything. Why can't I remember anything? What happened to me? Who are you? Why are you here with me?" I was panicking. I was lost, confused, I-I just didn't understand anything that was going on. My eyes started to water I couldn't hold it in. "I'm Vanessa. My sons found you on the beach and took you here. Oh honey don't cry. Everything will be alright."

The doctor entered the room and smiled. "Good you are up.  You are suffering from Post-Traumatic Amnesia. This was caused by,  a head injury that we don't know what from. Do you know your name?" I shook my head no and whipped my tears away. "That is alright. It is completely normal. Your amnesia will last weeks or a few months." "So I will get my memory back for sure?" "It is not 100% but that hardly ever the case. Headaches will be normal and all you'll need is rest. " "What do you suggest we do now doctor? We have no contact with her family and she can't recall anything but her age." Vanessa asked. "It's really up to you Ms. I suggest maybe a nickname for now. If that's all I should be going." "Thank you Doctor."

The doctor left and it was only Vanessa and I. "Uhh Vanessa what month is it? And how long was I asleep?" I asked her. "August is coming to an end and you were asleep for about a week." "Thank you by the way for taking care of all of this and to your sons for rescuing me." "It's our pleasure. My husband and I have been thinking while we hire someone to look for your family that you could stay with us." "Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude." "We insist dear. I wouldn't feel good knowing we didn't take care of you until we can find your way home." "Thank you. You are doing too much for a stranger. Please let me repay you somehow. I could help around your home." 

"What should we do about my name? I really can't remember it." I asked looking out the window. How will I ever find home. The world is huge and I don't even have a clue where to start. It's like I'm trapped in a bubble. "Oh don't worry we can think of a nickname for you. It'll be your name until you remember. If I may suggest a name, since I was a little girl I've always liked the name Maddie, it was what we were gonna name our daughter if we got one. Not that you're my daughter, it doesn't have to be Maddie it can be any name you like." "Maddie sounds alright to me. This way you were sort of able to name someone Maddie." I yawned. "Okay, Maddie. Get some rest now. I'll be in the other room if you need me."

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