Chapter 26 (Alexa)

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After I finished my ice cream a nurse comes in to help me into a wheel chair. Kyle pushes me to Tyler's room. We knock on the door and Vanessa comes to open it. "Alexa, I was correct..." Tyler said staring at me. "I'm sorry, what are you correct about?" "I didn't say anything before because I wasn't sure. But from the very beginning you looked so familiar. We've met before." He started.

"When? Where? I don't remember..." I don't remember anything about Tyler... or any of them... They are familiar but that's only because we lived together for three months. "We met in a party, I think you were... sorta drunk..."

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there." A deep voice said. I opened my eyes to see a guy wearing a hood with his head low. "It's ok I wasn't looking" I slurred.

"No it was my fault my head was down. What are you doing dancing up here? The party is down there." The guy said. "I was... I was... Uhhh..." What was I doing again? Oh right! "I was looking for a bathroom" I giggled at my forgetfulness, how could I forget I needed to pee?

"Oh the bathroom is right here." The guy opened the door on his right. "Oh thanks! What's your-" I ran to the bathroom and let's just say all my insides are now going into the toilet.

After yeah... That's when I felt someone rubbing my back while holding up my hair. I stood up and the guy helped me to the sink so I could wash up. "Are you ok?" The guy asked once I was done. "Yeah. Just a little dizzy. Thanks. Now what was I saying?"

"What's you... And I'm guessing you were supposed to say name." The guy smiled at me. "Yup, so? Oh and I'm Alexa by the way." I shook his hand. "It's Tyler." He scratched the back of his neck. Awww... Such a cutie, he's shy. I grabbed his hand and brought him to the back yard.

We sat on the swing set, that was clearly meant for kids, but I didn't care and I aimed questions at him, bouncing like a kid while I waited for each answer...

"We were talking then you asked if I had a sport..." He added. It was sounding more familiar. But I still couldn't pin point it. "I taught you how to skate. Then you..."

"How old are you?"
"Where are you from?"
"Here, but our family is moving."
"Do you play sports?"
"I skate."

"Ooohhh, I always wanted to try that. But my balance is horrible."
"You want to try now?" I was silent. I don't even know the guy, should I take the offer. "Why should I trust you won't kidnap me?"

"You did drag me here and I didn't complain. Return the trust?" As I was still partly influenced by alcohol, I found my self agreeing. The next thing I know, I'm on a skate board, going down the road, and holding on for dear life to Tyler.

"Come let go I won't leave you promise." Tyty tried ripping my fingers off his arm. "Nooo I'm going to fall Tyty... And I don't want any boo boos." I clung to his arm tighter.

"Lexie how are you supposed to learn if you won't do it on your own?" He stopped the board and let me down. "I'll still learn. See, watch." I got on the skate board and stood up tall. "I can get on! I told you I'll learn." Tyty shook his head at me with a slight smile on his face.

It's refreshing being with someone I just met and getting along so well with them. And Tyty doesn't seem the type to show much emotion so when he smile it's just... I sighed.

All of a sudden I jerk forward on the skate board and I was rolling down the street. When I realized what was happening I screamed and look at Tyty who was running beside me. I glared at him and tried to cling onto him.

But instead of getting a grip on him. I got off balanced and fell right into Tyty. I shut my eyes right before we hit the ground. Then as I opened my eyes I started to giggle. Then giggled some more. Until I was laughing so hard it sounded like I was squeaking.

I was on Tyty's chest and his arms were around my waist. I looked at him and his face was so closed to mine. I didn't even notice that I was leaning in until my lips brushed his. My eyes slowly closed.

Oh my god... "I remember. Tyty! Oh my god... this is so embarrassing." "Tyty? What happened there?" Kyle was snickering. "Shut up." Tyler mumbled. "So Lexie, if I can still call you that. What now?" He added. Vanessa phone went off before I could answer. She put a finger on her lips telling us to be quiet.

"That great! Oh my god."
"I'll let them know."
"Alright we'll see you in a bit."

Vanessa got of the phone and looked at us with a huge smile. "Alexa, your parents are here. Well they were at the house and they're on the way here." I don't know what to say. "That's so great! I'll be able to go home." Vanessa gave me a hug. "That's great..." Kyle said with a hint of sadness. "We're going to miss you..." He added. "Well still see each other again someday. You could come and visit. I could do the same."

I may not remember the time I've spent with these people but I'm very sure I feel how much they loved me. "I will request for a bed to be added here for you Alexa. There more than enough space. It makes all our lives easier." Vanessa left the room and the three of us were left silent. "Do you want to watch some TV?" Kyle reached for the remote and turned it on.

An extra bed was brought to the room and I was moved back on it. Vanessa and Kyle were sitting on the couch and we were all waiting for my parents to arrive. "They're just parking, it won't be long now." Vanessa lets us know. Why am I nervous it's my family. I should be excited and relieved.

"Maddie! I mean Alexa!" Lucas came running into the room. "I'm going to miss you..." he hugged me tightly. "How about how are you doing Tyler, your brother huh buddy?" Tyler joked. "Whoops sorry. How are brother?" Luke asked. We all laughed at their silliness.

"Alexa..." people began to enter the room. "Dad! Mom!" They ran towards me and I hugged them. "I've missed you guys so much! I was so scared. I didn't know if I would see you guys again..." tears were freely falling down from my eyes. "Shh... it's ok we're here now and we are never letting you out of our sight again." My said. "I love you guys."

"Mom, Dad, do I get a turn?" "Nashy!!!" I hugged my brother. "I would spin you around but you're sorta tied up here." He said gesturing to the dextrose connected to me. "Do we get a turn?" Natalie was bouncing behind Nash. "I missed you so so much! My life has been dull without you." She said. "It's been more rough for someone though. I'll tell you more later." She whispered.

"Lexa, I'm glad you're alright." Adrian said standing right in front of me. "Don't I get a hugged?" I asked him jokingly. "I didn't think you'd want one, I'm really sorry for not catching. It was all my fault." He whispered. "It wasn't your fault ok. We can talk about all of this later."

"Vanessa, Zach we can't thank the two of you and your family enough for taking care of our Alexa." Dad shook Zach and Vanessa's hands while mom gave them a hug. "It was our pleasure. You raised a very sweet and generous girl. She was no trouble at all." Vanessa answered.

"I think this call for a celebration! When these two get discharged is a few days why don't we all go out for a day, it will be our send off for Alexa as well." Zach suggested. "I like that idea." I smiled at all of them. I was in a room full of people that loved me and would take care of me even as a stranger. I couldn't any luckier with these people in my life.


The End...

This is it for The Lost Castaway! Thank you to everyone that takes time to reading this. TLC is my first ever book that I've finished. I'm so glad I'm able to share this with a few people.

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