Chapter 11 (Alexa)

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I know it's late but Happy Valentines anyways. Enjoy this chapter an hopefully you'll feel the same way I did while reading this. You'll understand in awhile.


"Are all your bags packed?" Dad called out. "Yup!" We all answered. "Ok its loading time!" Mom rolled her bag out. And we all followed to the van. "Ok, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. All bags complete. Let's go!" Ben, Adrian's dad checked.

Dad got in the drivers seat and Mom in the front seat. Ben and Carol Adrian's parents took the first row, Tom and Joan took the second row, and we took the back row (Adrian, Natalie, Alexa, Nash - seating arrangement). And we were off to the dock.

It's been a week since Nash arrived and it was finally time to go on our trip. This is so exciting!!! Finally the highlight of summer! "So ladies what's the first thing you're going to do when we get there?" Adrian asks. "Sun bath, swim, eat, shop..." I started listing. "Oh and hot meat scouting." Natalie smirked.

Adrian looked at me. There was a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Speaking of Adrian, things between him and I have been awkward. We've told no one about the sleeping incident and we haven't talked about it. Actually we haven't talked alone since then. I need to talk to Natalie about all this.

The conversation died down after that. We all put on earphones and listened to our own playlists. It was a two hours drive to the dock, then from there a two hour boat ride to the island. After awhile I look over my shoulder and they were all asleep. I look in front and saw the parents except my dad sleeping as well. I yawned and after awhile I fell asleep my self.

"Does anyone else need to use the bathroom?" I woke up to my mom asking. "Oh I need to." Natalie said and went out the car. "Me too." Joan and Carol followed them. "Don't leave me." Nash went out as well. "Ben, Tom let's go get some snacks and extra sodas for the trip." My dad said and he left as well. Now it was just me and a sleeping Adrian.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. "Hey Alexa, where'd everyone go?" I faced Adrian and opened my eyes. "To the bathroom. And to the store. You still have time if you want to follow them." I said. "Nah, I'm good. I'll stay here with you." I smiled. Even the smallest gestures get me...

"So..." he said. "So..." I repeated. "I have to tell you something–" he started and was cut off by everyone. Then all got in the car again. "Adrian can you just scoot over Alexa's side so it won't be so hard for Nat and I to enter." Adrian scooted closer to me and we were all ready to go again.

I yawned again leaned on the window and tried to sleep. My head kept bouncing on the window. I tried putting my arm on the window to lean on it but it wasn't comfortable. "You can lean on my shoulder if you want Lexa." Adrian whispered. I didn't know if I should but I was sleepy and the window wasn't helpful... I slowly leaned on his shoulder and I finally got some sleep.


"Hey do you want anything?" A guy asked me. "Just get whatever and I'll pay for it." Who was this guy. I went along with what he said and got some skittles and other little snacks.

He went to the cashier and payed for it. "Let's go." I followed the guy to the car and we drove away from the store. Into a dirt rode. It was getting darker and the trees were multiplying. We were in a forest.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. "We're staying the night. It's too late to drive home." He said. "I'm not going. I don't want to sleep with you. Bring me home." I shouted. "I don't know you so leave me alone. Bring me home now." He got out of the car and opened my door.

"We can't go home now. Just follow me and you'll be safe." I'll be safe? Is he crazy? I'm not going with a stranger... well I guess I did. A little too late for that now... "No I'm staying right here." I whined. He picked me up and walked towards a small house. "Put me down. Where are you bringing me?" I struggled against his grip. I tried to get out but I couldn't...


"We're here!" Natalie shouted! I jumped up on my seat and hit my head. "Nat was that necessary? I was sleeping..." I said rubbing my now red forehead. "Yes cause you're the only one left in here and we've all tried to wake up but nothing worked." She smirked. "Oh..." my cheeks blushed as we got out of the van. I got my stuff and followed everyone to the yacht.

That was such a weird dream I had... I should stop watching anything that involves kid napping and forests. "Welcome." A girl greeted us. "You may keep your belongings in the room down the stairs. There's a bar there as well, feel free to order anything." We smiled and we all went down.

We put our things in this small room inside. Then we all stayed outside to explore the yacht. "It so pretty here." I said. "It's so hot." Nash complained. I rolled my eyes. "It's perfect for tanning! Want to join me Alexa?" Natalie laid out her towel and removed her cover up. "Maybe later Nat I want to look around first."

"Wow..." the view was amazing from up here. The water was shinning like it had glitter all over. The sky was so blue and clear. The clouds were so white and spread out in the sky. The wind was blowing, dancing with my hair. It was so calming, everything was perfect. I leaned forward on the railing and spread my arm sideways. I closed my eyes and I was just there in the moment.

I let all the thoughts in my head go and relaxed. I've never felt like this before, worry free, comfortable, and happy. It was like nothing was going to ruin my day. I stayed like that for a few minutes, I put my arms done but continued to close my eyes. I continued to enjoy the cool air around me, then I felt warmth. I felt someone standing next to me.

I opened my eyes and looked beside me. It was Adrian, he was staring straight ahead. "It's so beautiful." He's said then look at me. He's smiled then brushed the hair away from my face. "Yeah..." was all I could say. Why was he here? Why did it feel like he was trying to tell me something with the way he looked at me?

"Lexa, I have a silly idea, join me?" He offered me a smile. I could see the plan forming in his head. This seemed suspicious, I hesitated. "Come on, promise it's not bad. Silly but it'll fun. Are you in?" He held my hands and looked at me with a begging face. "Ok... fine..."

"Face front and close your eyes." He instructed and I followed. "Spread your arms and feel the wind." He got closer to me, his arms wrapped around my waist. I was confused what were we doing? "Do you get the reference?" He whispers into my ear. It sent chills down my spine, but I was still confused. Oh! I laughed. He laughed too.

We stayed like that a little longer before I turned around and opened my eyes. I looked up into his eyes. "You're silly." I said with a smile. "Only when you're around." He answered and smiled back. This was the first time, in a long time things weren't awkward between us. Things were normal, comforting even. From then on I knew I didn't just like Adrian I was falling for him, and real fast.

"Do you hear that?" He said. I listened, it was music coming from below us. It was Natalie playing "I'll Be". Adrian began to sway us. But I was stopping him. "Adrian what are you doing?" "Dancing, being silly." He closed his eyes and swayed more. "Common Lexa dance with me." He began moving step by step no longer just swaying.

I laughed and went along with it. It was a sweet romantic moment, that I wouldn't have any other way. Then Natalie began to sing along, and to tell you the truth she doesn't have the best voice. Romantic moment over... Adrian began to mimic Nat. And I couldn't help but laugh. Hopefully all this means the awkwardness between us is over.


So did you feel the feels? Hopefully it's not too late to share some love. Hehehe. Next chapter in Natalie's POV.

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