Chapter 8 (Maddie)

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The past week has been a week of adjustment. I've been to all my classes, and next week I start catching up for the two weeks I missed. So double the work which I actually don't mind.

Today Liana and Robby are coming after lunch so we can plan out our English project. Right now I'm in my room finishing up homework. All the boys went out so it's just me at home.

Went to my bookshelf in my room and looked at the books Vanessa left for me. "The Ship Has Sailed", "Just Not Meant to Be", "Our Story", "Maybe One Day", these all sound like romance novels. Hmmm...


All these "books" are just titles I put together. They could be potential book in the future but nothing official. Now back to the story.


I picked up "Maybe One Day" and began to read... after an hour reading, I got hungry. So I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich for lunch. Then I sat in the living room, book in hand and read again. I stopped after a few mins. And shifted position. Still not comfortable. I change again. Nope.

Eventually I was upside down reading my book. Strange yes but it was the only comfortable position. While reading I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I thought I was alone. I must be hearing things. But then why am I scared?

I sat up and placed the book on the coffee table first. I went up stairs to check where the sound was coming from... It was from Tyler's room... I've never seen him home. We just never crossed paths. Out of all the guys he's the only one I've never spoken to.

His door opened and I jumped back. We stood there staring at each other. You could feel the awkwardness in the air. He shut the door and I turned around to go back to the living room. I sat on the sofa again and continued to read.


I woke up to the doorbell ringing. I didn't even know I fell asleep... how weird I didn't even feel tired. Wait... what was I doing again? The doorbell rang. Oh! right the door!

I went to answer the door and it was Robby and Liana. They're early... Kyle isn't even here yet. "Hey Maddie!" They greeted. "Hi... Uhh... Kyle isn't here yet..." What should I do? Am I supposed to offer them a drink? How do you–

"It's ok Maddie, you can relax a bit. I can see your brain working from out here. We've been here a lot we know how to get around." Liana said. My cheeks turned red. I didn't know it was that obvious. "You two girls just relax there on the sofa. I'll get us some snacks and drinks. Maddie is there anything specific you want me to get?" Robby asked. "No... I'm good."

It was just Liana and I know. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she just stayed quiet. This is awkward... I wonder when Kyle is getting back? "Here you go some chips and lemonade. It's all they had in the fridge." Robby placed all the food and drinks on the coffee table.

"So..." Robby broke the silence. "So..." Liana copied. Come on Maddie this is your chance to get to know Kyle's friends better. I mean if they're your only friends... "We could watch TV while we wait for Kyle if you guys want to." I got up to get the remote and turned it on.

What now? What did I do? I probably sounded so rude acting like I own the house or something. This is not how you make friends Maddie. I scolded myself. I places the remote down and waited for someone to change the channel.

Finally while watching whatever it was, I heard the car pulling in. "Maddie we're back!" Vanessa shouted. "I'm in the living room!" I shouted back. "Oh hi Robby, hi Liana. Kyle isn't with me but he's on his way. Do you have plans?"

"Actually Vanessa the four of us have a project to do. And we're meeting about it today." Liana explained. "Oh well I'll leave you guys to do your project. Kyle should be here any minute now. Do you guys need anything?" Vanessa offered. "No we're good. Thanks Vanessa." Robby said.

She left and it was just the three of us again... This is so awkward... I don't know how long I can stand this... Kyle where are you? What's taking you so long? Please come to the rescue...

Right when I thought that Kyle walks in. "Hey guys. Sorry to keep you waiting. I sure hope you guys didn't start without me." He joked. "Not at all. Now let's begin." Liana directed. "Ok so I was thinking, maybe we could do the prom scene from star girl. It's really relatable to teen today and it'll be fun to reenact." Liana added.

"No let's do a more historical novel. Maybe like–" Robby was cut off. "That's boring Rob. Let's do like something with action or sports. Something motivating. What do you think Maddie?" Kyle asked.

"I... I-I don't know... Maybe star girl would be nice... But I haven't read it... Cause if I can explain..." I waited for approval to go on. They nodded. "A history reenactment would just be like a normal report. Something action or sports would be too out of the blue. And since Ms... what's her name again?" Oh how can I forget her name...

"Ms. Louie." Liana helped. "Yes! Ms. Louie. Since she linked the project to what you guys did last year which was getting to know each other's history with literature. Then I think something relatable would be more appropriate. But again I don't know cause I haven't read it..."

Did I just say all that? Oh no! I stated all my thoughts out loud. Nobody was speaking. They were all just staring at me. My heart started to race faster. My head began to spin. Why'd I do that. I've embarrassed myself once again. Oh they probably hate me. My head started spinning faster and faster. I couldn't see anymore. It became all white.


I felt like I was floating, rocking back and forth. I slowly opened my eyes... it was bright, the slowly everything was appearing. I was on a raft, in the middle of the sea. Nothing was near by, no island, no boat, nothing. The water was a deep, deep blue. And I couldn't see anything.

The waves slowly passed by the raft, making it move. Gradually the waves came quicker... The wind blew louder. Suddenly I heard lightning. How did I get here? How will I get out? Is there anyone looking for me?

The waves got bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger. It began to rained hard and lighting was striking brighter than ever. From a far I heard water pulling up. I looked behind me and a huge wave was coming my way. I panic... I tried to swim away but I wasn't moving.

I screamed for help. Swam faster and faster. I screamed and screamed, my voice slowly fading as I watched the huge wave get closer and closer...


"Help! Help!" I shot up, tears were in my eyes, my throat was dry, and I felt like I was choking. "Maddie, it's ok. I'm right here." I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up it was Kyle. I leaned into him sobbed on his shirt. "Shhh... it's ok. I'm right here..." Kyle rubbed my hair and soothed my back.

"Don't let it take me... don't let it take me..." I kept whispering. Tears were still in my eyes but my sobs subsided. "What going to take you Madds?" Kyle asked me. He held my chin and made me look at him. "What's going to take you?" I shook my head. "Ok you don't have to tell me. Here have some water."

Wave... closer... water... everywhere... no place to go... swim... not moving... lighting... wave... closer... water...

"Madds? Maddie! What's wrong. Madds!" Kyle was shaking me. I clung onto him again. "Shhh. It ok. I'm here... I won't leave you." I hugged him tighter... Kyle continued stroking my back. My tears stopped flowing. My eyes were slowly getting heavier and heavier. I felt a light kiss on my head then everything went dark.


Short, but hopefully sweet, chapter. Next chapter is in Alexa's POV, finally what is Alexa screaming about? I hope you enjoyed!

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