Chapter 15 (Alexa)

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Dedicating this chapter to MasterBananaMan , a little thank you for all the support 😉

After our beach day this afternoon, we all went back to our rooms to get dressed and ready for dinner. "Sooo... Lexa, what happened with you and Adrian? Both awhile ago, in the ship, and during our impromptu sleepover. And yes I know about the ship." She winked at me. "Ok ok fine... where do you want me to start?" "From the start" she sat down on my bed ready to listen.

"Ok so remember before Nash came things were awkward. Then when he got here, the awkward got worst..." And I told her the story of our "cuddling" session.

"Then..." I continued on to the next story. "On the ship, we cleared things up. But we didn't talk about the other night. Instead somehow things fixed itself and we danced until we started mimicking your horrible singing." I teased. She grunted but continued to listen to the last story.

"And awhile ago... well we were in the moment I guess. We help hands..." I explained. Remembering everything that happened not so long ago. "So are you finally going to admit it?" She asked. "Yes, yes... I admit I like your stupid cousin." I smiled at her. She let out a squeal and we had a very embarrassing, fan girl moment. "Now he just has to admit it and ask you out!"


During dinner Nat keep shooting me knowing looks. I swear we had so many conversations with our eyes in a couple of hours. On our way back to the room purposely invited Nash to watch a movie with her so I was left with Adrian.

"Alexa, would you like to accompany me for a walk on the beach?" He asked in very gentleman tone. I laughed at his silliness but accepted his offer. We were walking silently hand in hand. I don't know what will happen with our friendship but right now I like what Adrian and I have.

"Lexa, I have something to tell you..." Adrian stopped walking held my hand in his and looked me straight in the eye. His cheeks began to turn a tint of red as he continued. "I like you..." and there it is it's our. "I like you more than a friend... And I've been feeling this way for quite sometime now, I just didn't know if you felt the same way." He waited for me to reply silently.

"I like you too... As stubborn as I was with my feelings, these past few days just proves too much to deny anything." I smiled at him. He smiled back and hugged me. We stayed like that not letting go even when we continued to walk back. When we reached the door to my room, he held me back for a while and kissed me on my cheek.

He pulled a flower from the side and held my hand. "This purple rose is a symbol of how much I like you. And I want to do this the right way, so will you go out with me tonight?" He was looking me straight in the eye. "Yes... I'll go out with you." I giggled as I took the flower from him and kissed his cheek goodnight.

I entered my room to find my brother and my best friend fast asleep, and cuddling might I add. I turned around to find Adrian still there peeking into my room as well. "Mind if I stay in your room tonight? Seems like mine is occupied." We both laughed, I got my pajamas then walked back into Adrian's room.

I placed the rose in a glass with water after changing then joined Adrian on the bed. His arms snaked around my waist, "Night Lexa!" He whispered. "Night!" I whispered back. A little feathery kiss was placed on my neck before light snores filled the room.


"Slept well?" I teased Nash. We were both on our way to our right rooms when we bumped into each other. "Ha ha ha. Very funny. I just help you too, so you're welcome." He said walking passed me. I laughed to myself and entered my room.

"You have to tell me everything!!!" Natalie squealed. And so I told her everything that happened. Ending with a sigh and flopping onto the bed we shared. "That's so cute! But damn girl you're moving fast." She said flopping down next to me. "We're not moving fast we're right on track. The admitting part just took longer."

"Sure whatever you say. Now let's find you something to wear for tonight! She jumped up and opened our suitcases. She brought out all her girly pampering stuff and we spent that morning have our own spa day. At lunch, we told our parents what was going on and why we were missing dinner. Let's just say the moms were more thrilled than I am.

After spending the afternoon just hanging out with everyone Nat and I excused ourselves to get ready for my date tonight. Adrian been extra sweet the whole day, pulling the chair back for me, getting me drinks, he even insisted on carrying me. But that was way too much.

While Nat was doing my hair, I just had to ask "Nat is there something you wanted to talk to me about? Oh, I don't know regarding my brother?" I teased. "There is nothing going on with us. We're simply good friends who help our fiends get together." She answered curling the last piece of my hair. "Sure..."

The two of us finished my makeup and I got dressed into my peach romper that had a little low neckline. The neckline was decorated with wholes all the way to the back. I grabbed my grey low wedges and added a necklace and bangle to finish my outfit.

"You look fab girl! My cousins going to faint when he sees you." She giggled right when there was a knock on the door. She went to answer it and began threatening her cousin. "If you touch her in any bad way, or is she comes home crying and it's because of you, you're going to die got it? Cousin or not I will have your ass kicked."

"Nat I think he got it. Bye now." I said walking out of the room. "Don't worry Nat I won't hurt Alexa. Who looks absolutely gorgeous." He said smiling at me. Natalie gagged and shut the door on us. "Hi..." I greeted. "Hi..." he greeted back, grabbing my hand giving it a little kiss on the back before we walked to our destination.

We walked a long the dock to a small sail boat. "Good evening sir, ma'am!" The sailor greeted. "Good evening!" We replied. Adrian escorted me on the boat and lead me to a small makeshift dinner table. "Tonight is all about you, you're the only girl I've ever looked at and I'm not letting this chance go. Accept these flowers and my world will be complete." Adrian got a bouquet of flowers from the bench behind the table.

I took the flowers and smiled at him, lost for words. It just hasn't sunk in that my best friend, usually flooded with girls, likes me. I never realized that I could fall this fast for him. I mean he was always charming and sweet, not a bad sight for the eyes either, but I just wouldn't have guessed this.

Music began to play as we were served our food. "How did you plan all of this in a day?" I looked at Adrian who was eating beside me. His lips slowly twitched up and he turned to me. "I actually planned this before we left..." he ran his hand through his hair, a habit of his when he was nervous.

"I realized, how much I liked you, got out of the denial stage and since then I knew I had to make the move. I wanted it to be sweet and romantic. I want you to see just how much you mean to me." He squeezed my hand that were in his. I looked into his eyes and they were twinkling, a swirl of emotion clearly seen. "You know I would've been fine with a regular date back home right? You telling me how much I mean to you is enough for me."

"You know what they say Lexa, actions speak louder than words." He winked and we went back to eating. We continued with casual talk, being best friends already made all the silent moments comfortable. We both knew we didn't need to speak to know what the other is already thinking. After dinner as we continued to sail, "Can I Have This Dance" from High School Musical played and we danced, like the day on the yacht.

We both sang along to the song as silly as we could. That's just who we are silly teenagers coming close to being in love. The songs continued to pass one after the other, I leaned my head on his chest as we swayed to the music. The moon was our spotlight and the stars were our audience.


Next chapter in Maddie's POV! Hope you enjoyed!

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