Chapter 25 (Alexa)

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Another Chapter is here! Everything slowly being revealed. Hope you like it!


"Wait... why are you all calling me Maddie? I don't even know who you are? Where are my parents? Where'd you take me?" How did I get here? When am I? And who are these people? I want to go home. I want to see everyone again. "Maddie... relax." The guy beside me said reaching for my hand. I snapped it back. "I'm not Maddie... My name is Alexa."

"Were sorry for frustrating you dear. You've been living with us for the past few months and we called you Maddie. What's the last thing you remember dear?" The lady asked me. "I-I was on vacation with my family. Uhh" My head was hurting a little. "We were on the way home... then... then..." Tears were beginning to form in my eyes.

It was raining hard, thunder was roaring. I was trying to help Natalie up when the boat tipped to the side and the next thing I knew I was hanging on to the railing. The waves were wild and it dragged me into the water.

I screamed help as much as I could. Then it was too much work and I stopped. I tried swimming but I couldn't bring myself back up. Everything was muffled and I couldn't see anything. My hearing failed me next. It was so dark and quiet I was so afraid.

"There... was a storm..." I was crying at this point I couldn't stop the tears. "I... I... fell... and the waves... were so big... I... I... couldn't get back..." "Shhh shhh..." The lady was rubbing my back. The guy next to me handed me some tissue. "We'll help you find you family alright. All you have to worry about right now is getting better." The older man said. "Thank you..." I whispered.

The little guy went up to me and gave me a hug. "Stop crying please." I smiled a little and placed the boy down on my lap. I feel like I know these people but at the same time they felt like strangers. "Thanks buddy." "I'm Lucas, we played everyday." He said. "Hi Lucas, I'm Alexa. I'm really sorry I don't remember you guys..." I told all of them. They looked like they sincerely cared for me. The doctor came in to check on a few things then he left.

"I'm Vanessa and this is my husband Zach. If you need anything just let us know sweetie." The lady said. "I'm Stephen, this feels a little weird introducing myself again." The taller guy beside him nudged him. "I'm Dylan. And this is Hayden" he said pointing to the boy on his phone. "And I'm Kyle, like I mentioned earlier we're the same age and we've been hanging out together a lot." The guy beside me said.

"That's enough for Alexa today guys. Let's leave her to rest." Zach told them. One by one they greeted me to get well soon. Kyle me took my hand then squeezed it. He let it go and I felt tingles lingering on my hand. Right before the Vanessa left I said, "Wait! How long has it been?" The air around us became more serious "It's been 3 months since we found you." The lady answered. "3 months..." I echoed.

"Alexa, it's not that we didn't want you to find your family or anything, we just couldn't find them and it was hard to manage all you. The boys had school, work, and other practices. And you were recovering. You were in the hospital for a few weeks before you went home with us. We also didn't want to stress you out so while we haven't found any news about you family we didn't tell you anything. But we did try believe me." She explained.

"It's alright. I believe you and I understand. Thank you so much for taking care of me. Especially knowing you have 5 children." I said holding her hand and smiling at her a little. "I'm so glad that you remember who you are again. I could see how much it bothered you before that you couldn't piece things together." She smiled back.

"And I have 6 children actually. Tyler is my third son, he was with you when you got into the car accident. That's the reason you're here right now." She said sadly. "Oh..." I didn't know what else to say. I squeezed her hand in comfort, should I ask? "How is he?" I said slowly. "He... he hasn't woken up yet..." "I'm sorry..." what else do I say? "You should rest now. I'll send Kyle to check on you later I have to fix a few things with the doctors."






I hear whispering from outside the room when I woke up the next day. I'm guessing it's good news from the tone of the guy speaking. I slowly opened my eyes and stared out the window. "Where are you guys..." I wonder if they're still looking for me. Mom, Dad, Nash, Nat, Adrian... Adrian... I can't believe when things were finally working out with us this... this disaster happens...

"Hey." It was Kai, no that's not right Kevin? No... wait, Kyle! Yes, Kyle! He entered the room and sat beside me. "How are you feeling?" "Better. My body not aching as much and I don't really have a headache anymore." I answered. Silence followed and not the comfortable one. "What... what was that all about? The one outside?" I asked quietly. I wasn't sure if I was in the right place to ask.

"Tyler, our other brother, the one with you in the accident, he's awake. He's been asking to see actually but we told him he shouldn't get up first." He explained. "I'm glad he's alright. I guess you guys will be getting home in a few days then." And I'll be left alone I said to myself. "I know that look Alexa, we're not leaving you if that's what you're thinking." My cheeks started turning red.

I guess I underestimated how much these people knew me. "You're Family now. Always will be, even when we find your true family we won't forget you." He said shyly. Butterflies began dancing in my belly. Why was I reacting this way? "Are you hungry?" He asked. "Now that you asked. I could use some food." "I'll be right back." He left the room and I was alone again.

The way he cared so much for me it feels different... Were we that close? "Here you go. I'm sorry this probably doesn't taste that good but it's all they serve. I'll sneak you some ice cream later. What do you think?" " I think ice cream would sound so amazing that I'm willing to eat this before that." I smiled at him. He hands me my food on a mobile table. "I'll get the ice cream then!" "Strawberry, I like strawberry ice cream." I stared awkwardly. "Yes, I know. We live together remember." He winked. "Right..."

"Hey Alexa, how are you feeling dear?" Vanessa asked walking in. "I'm feeling better, nothing hurts anymore." I told her. "That great. I do have a little request if you're up for it." She said. "What is it?" "Strawberry ice cream for Alexa. Oh hey mom." Kyle says barging in. "Thanks." I got the ice cream and began eating.

"I was about to tell Alexa that Tyler wants to see her. I've caught him up and he knows something he didn't say earlier because he wasn't sure of it." "I guess I could go. Can I finish my ice cream first?" I asked her. "Of course sweetie. Kyle hunny, wait for her to finish eating then ask the nurse to assist you to Tyler's room alright?" Kyle agrees and Vanessa leaves us alone.

After I finished my ice cream a nurse comes in to help me into a wheel chair. Kyle pushes me to Tyler's room. We knock on the door and Vanessa comes to open it. "Alexa, I was correct..." Tyler said staring at me. "I'm sorry, what are you correct about?" "I didn't say anything before because I wasn't sure. But from the very beginning you looked so familiar. We've met before."

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