Chapter 18 (Kyle)

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A new POV I hope you enjoy it.


I was at Robby's house playing video games with a bunch of other guys. It was a chill guy day for us and no girls were included, this is why I left Maddie at home. Someone needed to take care of the boys anyways so it all worked out.

I was in the middle of chewing pizza when my phone rang, it was getting quite late no one calls me at this time but my mom. Without checking the caller ID I answered. "Kyle? Yeah... No... everything's not ok. I lost Hayden and Lucas." It was Maddie. "Wait there, I'll pick you up. Don't worry. We'll find them." I hung up and ran out the door.

"Dude where are you going?" Rob asked. "I have family things to take care. Sorry man. Thanks for the food though." I rushed into my car and ran a few red light on the way to the mall. I just hope the boys were alright. And I hope Maddie wouldn't get too anxious...

I found Maddie in the security office. They've been trying to find the boys but they didn't have much luck. "Kyle!" Maddie ran straight to my arms. I hugged her back as her tears began soaking my shirt. I was dreading having to tell my parents all of this. Mom would flip...

"Madds can you tell me what happened?" I asked her softly. She nodded and tried to steady her breathing. "We were at the toys store..." "Then?" "Then... Hayden..." she began rubbing her temples. "It's ok you don't have to try and remember it. Just relax here first. I'll just talk to someone. "Good evening officer, in the brother of the two boys that was lost. You see, my sister here has an illness and it is hard for her to recall what happened. Would you know if there was anyone who helped her out or found her?"

"Excuse me, if I may interrupt. I over heard your conversation. And I was the one who caught your sister when she fainted. My wife was there too. I'm Bill by the way." He held his hand out and I shook it. "Thank you for catching my sister. Could you tell me what happened? And where?" " We were at a dance concert in the middle of the mall. When all of a sudden I see these two boys running off pushing past us. When I turned around I saw her. She was closing her eyes and swaying. I thought she was dancing but then she almost fell. I caught her right on time."

"My wife and I brought her to a near by bench away from the people. We called the medics. Then when she woke up she was screaming for two boys. That when the security guards were involved as well." It was a dance concert... why would Maddie want to be in a crowd? "Thank you Bill. I'll go back to my sister now." I have to call my dad...

"Uh... hey dad..." I began. "What's wrong son?" "Don't get mad first, Maddie fainted, and the boys got lost. There watching a dance crew perform when it all happened... We're at the mall right now talking to the security. But I don't know what to do anymore." I was shaking. When my dad gets mad it's the scariest thing in the world. I could hear him breathing hard.

"This is what we will do. Wait for me there. I'll talk to these people as well. I'll be the one to tell your mother. But message all you older brother to go home now. Try to keep Maddie relaxed. We don't want her to get another attack..." and he hung up after that. I sat beside Maddie on the bench and texted my brothers. "I messed up... I messed up real bad..." Maddie began to say to herself. "How... how mad was he?" She looked at me, her eyes were puffy and red. Her face was very pale. I hated seeing her like this.

I wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead. "He knows you didn't mean it. Don't beat yourself up too much ok? Everything will be fine. We'll find them." I hugged her to my chest and her body melted into mine. Her tears were soft and steady and we stayed there until my dad arrived.

My mom and dad came through the doors of the security office. Maddie'a head was on my lap. She finally fell asleep when she calmed down a bit. "We'll exchange information with them so we can go home. The mall is closing soon anyways." My dad said. My mom was just silently following him. I knew she was very mad. I just hope she remembers it's not all Maddie's fault...

I carried Maddie to the car. I didn't want to wake her up until we got home. I knew she wouldn't be able to sleep right away later. She slept the whole ride home. We got to the house and I shook her gently. "Maddie... we're home." I whispered. Mom and dad went straight inside, they left me the keys to lock the car. "Maddie, get up."

She still wasn't budging so I decided to just carry her in. My brother we're all in the living room except for Tyler. He told us he wouldn't be able to make it home tonight but he'll be here first thing in the morning. I put Maddie down on the couch and she finally began to wake up. Mom was pacing back and forth in the living room. She didn't want to startle Maddie but I knew she had a lot to say...

"How could you do this Maddie? You know that crowds are the easiest way to loose children!" Mom was pacing faster and faster in the living room. Tears were streaming down her face again. I wanted to reach in and wipe it away but I knew not to get involved right now.

"I have the number of the mall's security." Dad joined us in the room and dials the number to ask for an update. "I don't know what to do anymore Maddie..." Mom continued her lecture. "You just had to faint..." she mumbled. "I-I didn't mean to..." Maddie said defeated. She ran upstairs to her room slamming the door. "Mom that was a little too harsh." Stephen commented. "Mom I know you're just worried about the boys but remember Maddie doesn't have control when it comes to these things." Dylan added.

"I know, I know, I crossed the line. But I think we've all had enough for the night. Zack hunny, just wake me up when you hear anything." My dad kissed the side of her head good night before mom disappeared upstairs as well. "I'm one hundred percent sure the boys are safe dad, I can feel it." I told him. "I know I can feel it too. We'll find them tomorrow. For now all we can do it wait." "Night dad." The three of us went to our rooms. I lingered a little in front of Maddie's door, should I ask if she's alright?

I leaned on the door and tried to listen. I could hear moving around the room. Maybe it's not a good time. I know she wants to be alone. I went to my room and flopped on the bed. I stared at the ceiling trying to figure out where the boys could be. I spent about an hour thinking when I realized I haven't checked my phone. I had a missed call from Hayden. He message me also.

"Hey Kyle, I-I can't find Maddie... it's all my fault I let go of her hand when she told me not to. Lucas and I are safe. We're at my friends house a few streets down from ours. My phone was dead that's why I only texted now. Please tell mom and dad for me... I know their going to be so mad." I quickly replied saying one of us would pick them up soon. I ran to mom and dad room immediately and showed them the text.

"My boys are safe, thank god." Mom smiled. "Tell you brothers the good news. Let Maddie know as well. We'll go get the boys." My parents left right away. I knocked on Stephen and Dylan's rooms hoping they were still up. "We found the boys." I showed them the message. "I'll let Tyler know. Go take care of Maddie." Dylan suggested. We said our good nights again and I headed towards my room.

I pressed my ear on Maddie's door again. This time I heard soft snores. I shook the door a few times until it opened. She was fast asleep. I placed her blanket on her more and kissed her head goodnight. I'll just tell her in the morning the good news. I went back to my room and finally my body relaxed. I was out like a light shortly after.


Not the best ending but it works for now. More chapters are coming!

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