Chapter 9 (Alexa)

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"Alexa! We're home!" Dad called. "Come down honey!" Mom added. Just in time the timer rang. "Hold on we just have to wash off our face masks." I shouted back. Nat and I quickly washed our face and went down to meet mom and dad.

"Hi mom! Hi dad! Hi– Ahhh!!! OH MY GOD!!! H-how? W-when? W-what? NAAASSSSHHHHYYYYY!!!!" I jumped on him and he spun us around. "I missed you too Lexa but I can't breath anymore." Nash tugged my arms off his neck and put me down.

"Oh sorry. I just really can't believe you're here! I though you were too busy in college and you didn't have time to visit your princess." I pouted. "Nonsense, I will always make time for you princess." Nash leaned down to kiss my head.

"Hey Nash, nice to see you too." Natalie said with jealously. "Oh come here Nat! I wouldn't forget about you too." Nash hugged her. "Wait so why are you here Nashy? Seriously don't you have school?" We all move to sit on the sofa.

Nash is in college and he has summer classes so I wasn't expecting him to be home this summer. "Well sis, since we're going on vacation and I got an extra week off at school I thought I'll come home to spend it with my family. I've had enough partying over there." He explained.

"Yay we're complete during the trip! I though you wouldn't make it. I'm glad your back home. I need my older brother to take care of me." I fake fainted on his lap. We all laughed.

"You have to tell me how college is. Tell me everything. How's your girlfriend." I winked at him. Nash's always been shy about his relationships. He doesn't like talking about it much. But I always ask anyways. "I don't have a girlfriend. But if you're talking about Kelly." He rolled his eyes. "Then she's fine. She's going to study in England next year." He said sadly.

"Aww. It's ok Nashy. We're here for you. Don't cry. Nat can be your girlfriend." I joked. Natalie turned pink but it quickly faded away. Nash has had a crush on Kelly for 6 months now, but I secretly ship him with Nat.

"Oh, cut it out. It's not like I'm in love with the girl. It's just a small crush. But enough about me. How are you and Adrian?" He nudged me. My cheeks turned red. Adrian and I have nothing going ok why does everyone keep asking. "Well they've been having some moments lately." Natalie explained.

"Nat what are you talking about. Adrian and I don't have moment. We're just friends..." Alexa why do you sound disappointed. Smile. Yeah don't let them confuse you. You don't like Adrian. Oh god I'm talking to myself. "Alexa?" Nash asked. "Huh? What did you say?" "I asked if you wanted to order pizza and watch a movie tonight?"

"Oh yeah sure. I'll change into my PJs. Nat you want to stay the night?" I said getting up. "Of course. I'll just let my mom know." Nat stood up as well and got her phone. "Oh Nat ask Adrian if he wants to come over. I mean I'm only here once in awhile." Nash added. Natalie nodded and went to call her mom.

I went up to get changed and put PJs on the bed for Nat to borrow. I went back to the living room and helped Nash transform the sofa to a bed and made a pillow and blanket sanctuary.

"Pizza delivery!" A guy shouted from outside. Nash got up to open the door and it was Adrian with the pizza. "Nash! Dude! When did you get back?" They did that bro hug thing. "Just today. It great to see you Adrian. I though Nat would have to you. I guess she wanted it to be a surprise." He chuckled.

"Yeah... That's it..." I herd Nat mumble. "What's it Nat?" I looked at her curiously. "Oh nothing." She smiled. I shrugged and got the remote. I put it on Netflix and began to browse movies. "Ok so what movie do you guys want to watch?" Nash asked.

"Oh Lexa stop! There that one! No the other one. Yeah that!" Nat pointed. "Nat the notebook again? We just watched this recently." Adrian complained. "Hey it's a nice movie. What do you think Nash?" I defended. "Sure. Whatever it's up to you kids." Nat and I pouted and looked at each other then back at him.

"We are not kids!" We said together. I noticed though that Nash was only looking at her. Oh brother, so much for having a crush on someone else." I smiled to myself and pressed play. "Hey I didn't agree to watch this." Adrian complained. "Stop whining and watch." I snapped then smiled at him. He smiled back and we stared at each other for awhile.

I blushed again. God why can't I stop doing that. And turned back to the movie. I saw Nat, Nash and Adrian do that same. We all got comfortable in front of the TV. Nat and I leaning on the wall and Nash and Adrian by our feet. As I was watching the movie so many things was going on in my head. I didn't realize how tired I was and I fell asleep.


"Come on!" "Hurry up!" "Move it!" "You're such a slow poke..." "Let's go!" A group of guys was calling me. We were in a field of flowers. A place I've never seen before. "I'm scared would you hold my hand?" A little boy came up to me. "Sure. Let's go." I found myself saying.

It was as if I knew where I was going and who I was with. It's like my body and my mind were separated. What I know wasn't what I acted as. It was like I was another person.

The guys starts running around and wrestling. Throwing balls and everything became very busy. The little boy let go of my hand and played with the bigger boys. "Watch out!" Huh? What–


I felt a head fall on my own. I looked over my shoulder and it was Adrian's. How did we get into this position? I tried to get out but then his arms shot out and cuddle me. He nuzzled his head in my hair and continued to snore softly. How am I going to get out now...

I turned softly and tried removing his hand but his grip just tightened. I look at his face and just stared. He looked so peaceful. Why doesn't he look at me? I mean we've been through so much together. I just wish he would see me like I see him.

I stroked the hair of his forehead and continued to admire his face. He was so cute, his lips were slightly open and his soft snores filled the room. The moon from the widow was the only source of light. Some one must have turned the TV off.

Adrian moves and I froze. He opened his eyes and I shut mine right away. I peaked and he was staring at me. "W-what are you staring at?" I said moving the hair away from my face. His eyes were staring intently at mine. His arms tightened around my waist. "Nothing... you're just so... So b-beautiful..." he said. I blushed for the hundredth time today and he smiled.

My heart was beating faster and my hands were getting sweaty. I could feel butterflies starting to dance in my tummy. "Th-thanks..." What else was I supposed to say? He was still dreaming probably. Oh I hope he doesn't remember this tomorrow... "W-we should go back to s-sleep." He said softly. "Yeah... we should..."

What do I do now? Do I face the other way? Remove his arms from my waist? I think he sensed the panic on my face, and he removed his arms smiled one last time then turned around. I face the other way as well, slightly disappointed. "Good night." He whispered. "Night." I whispered back.

I stared straight at the moon thinking. Am I really starting to like Adrian? I mean he's my best friend and my other best friends cousin all in one. What would happen if we don't click? Things would be so awkward... I don't know what to do... this is making my mind and heart crazy... What if I'm really falling for him...


And that's another chapter done. I hoped you enjoyed. Next chapter, find out what is happening with Maddie.

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