Trains (Teddy Lupin)

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(O/n) - your owl's name

You shoved the cart holding your trunks and your owl, (o/n), into the seemingly solid wall. Right as you had crossed you felt yourself collide into something and the next thing you knew you were laying on the ground, embarrassed and angry about how you were starting your first year.

You stood up and tossed your things back on the cart as you apologized to whom you ran into. As you looked up you met pastel green eyes. His lemon hair was laying in a messy manor. A streak of pink laid sleekly across his bangs and in his face, contrasting against his forest eyes.

You both apologized with a small smile as if attempting to cover up your true thoughts consisting of: oh god that was the worst first impression in the world.

"I'm Teddy Lupin."

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

And after that moment you became the best of friends.


It was almost your fourth year and over the summer you couldn't stand the distance between you and Teddy. You had grown extremely inseparable over the past three years. The distance and lack of interaction between you had made your heart contract.

Owling was hardly enough communication. You missed your daily conversations with him, most likely about meaningless things such as pie or whatnot. But nevertheless you missed the sound of his voice and the warmth of his presence.

You practically sprinted to the train. You saw him running towards you from the other side of the platform. You dropped everything and ran towards him. You tackled him in a hug.

"I missed you, you marshmallow!" You exclaimed.

"I missed you too, you dork!" He responded with just as much enthusiasm.

You wondered if he missed you as much as you missed him.

"Ah! I love you so much!" He blurted.

You turned crimson. And looked at him with pure curiosity and an unbelievable amount of hope.

His hair subconsciously turned pink as it matched his cheeks. He coughed awkwardly, "as friends of course."

You forced a genuine sounding laugh, "duh!"

You kissed his cheek in a purely friendly way. This wasn't the first time you had kissed him. But it was always on the cheek. Never the lips. You were so close to him many people questioned if you were dating or not.

"I love you too," you said.

"Actually," he said stopping and looking at you.

You halted also to hear what he was going to say next. With great anticipation, you had missed his voice over the break you were going to savor every word he said like it was his last.

"(Y/n),"- your breath hitched. He never used your first name. It was always a nickname such as Dork or Flower. -"I need to tell you something..."

His voice was unusually shaky.

"Anything," you responded earnestly.

"(Y/n)... I think I'm in love with you," he said it so softly you hardly heard the words leave his mouth. "I-um-do you even like me like that?" His eyes melted into an innocent shade of green.

"Teddy Lupin, I have been so stupidly and madly in love with you for the whole duration of last year! I cannot believe someone could be so oblivious! Of freaking course I love you!"

You pushed a group of his blond hair- the usual shade he kept his hair- out of his face. You stared into his lime green eyes and he looked into your (e/c) eyes. Your faces were inches apart.

Kiss him.

"Marshmallow," you murmured.

Kiss him, right now.

"Dork," he whispered.

Kiss him.

"Cutie," you breathed.

Your noses were nearly touching.

Kiss him.

"Flower," he exhaled.

Kiss him damnit.

And that's what you did. Your lips crashed together. You poured all the emotions you felt towards him into the kiss. It was gentle yet passionate. His hand touched your face softly. You felt him smile against your lips.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you, Teddy."


I apologize for my recent stories cause they always end on a weird and incomplete note... I tried to wrap this one up as best as I could.

Anyways, here's my question for you:

What's your favorite color and why?

Mine is blue, because of Percy Jackson.. enough said.

Alright, have a nice day!!!!

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