Everything Is Grey (Remus Lupin)

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his hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
he don't know what it means


everything is black and white,

but when you touch your soulmate,

you begin to see all the colors.


Remus Lupin's pov

I was sick of the various shades of greys. They were bland and sickening. It was unsettling, living in a world of black in white, feeling like the missing colors were like a missing limb. As if you know you should have something, but you can't think of what it is.

Those who have met their match have tried to explain colors to the ones who are missing something as simple and breathless as color. Red... I remembered someone telling me it was similar to the feeling of heat off a flame. And yellow— beautiful yellow—  was the feeling of happiness.

However, with each color I learned about, the more I felt limbless, as if I was reaching for something that wasn't there. A friend who had recently built a life with color tried showing me each one, but all I saw was different shades of grey.

A classmate named Maria stood in front of the Gryffindor fireplace and told her sappy soulmate story to anyone who'd listen. And she laughed with delight as she said that pink was the most magnificent and vibrant color she'd ever encountered.

Maybe she told her story to give us hope that someday we'll end us shaking hands with some stranger and color will suddenly flood into our life-- except for most of us it just made us even more hopeless.


Brian nodded his head towards me, "Remus probably knows."

"I didn't ask him, Mr. Walter. I asked you," Professor McGonagall responded, clearly losing her patience.

Of course Brian thought that I knew the answer. It was my reputation. Everyone had one. Claire was quiet, Mason was popular, Kaitlyn was approachable, and so on. I was smart... and Brian was Mr. I-Don't-Actually-Care-About-You-Or-Your-Class. Of course most people knew their classmates by the houses, but while that mattered, your reputation was equally important.

Brian shrugged, "I don't know."

Professor McGonagall turned to me and sighed. "Mr. Lupin, can you tell me what the incantation is of the Vanishing Spell?"

"Evanesco," I answered.

"Very good." She turned back towards Brian who was talking loudly to his table partner. "I shall assign you extra homework so that hopefully you'll remember it next time."

Sirius poked me in the shoulder. "I know I'm annoying, but he's just rude."

I nodded in agreement with both statements.

Suddenly, the classroom door swung open, startling everyone. All the students, including me, turned their head to see who was late to class. Professor McGonagall's head snapped up to see who had interrupted her class.

I watched as Ms. Quiet-and-Unnoticed— or rather Y/N— shuffled up to Professor McGonagall, handed her a note, and sat down.

I knew her relatively well. Sometimes I'd see her in the library. I also knew that people thought she was a bit strange, because she was always so jumpy all the time. But most of all, I knew that I had an embarrassingly huge crush on her.

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