Pause (Draco Malfoy)

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Y/N and Draco liked moments like these. This exact moment in time when last names didn't matter and it seemed like time just stopped. Voldemort didn't exist while Y/N was leaning against his chest, and Death Eaters didn't exist while Draco has his arms around her. It was just Y/N and Draco, that's all that existed in their little world.

It was moments like those that made each fight worth it. It created need to fight for a tomorrow in which they could stay in the safety of each other's arms, and a tomorrow in which the only sense of safety didn't come from a tight hug. One where you had nothing to fear, because you knew that things would be alright.

They sat in one of the quiet, hidden alway corners of Hogwarts. A cozy corner they'd found one afternoon trying to escape reality. The corner became theirs. Their very own tear in reality, in which they were sent into some other universe that made them perfectly content. A somewhat of their own little infinity.

The H/H girl and the Slytherin boy liked to meet there and fall asleep to the sound of each other's heartbeat. And that's what they were doing, a little less than a year before the fated Battle of Hogwarts.

"What do you think will happen next?" Y/N asked, knowing very well Draco didn't know the answer either.

"I'll find a way out of my family's ties with the Dark Lord," he said uncertainly.

"Just don't get yourself killed," she told him.

With her head against his heart, she could feel the slightest hiccup in the rhythm. He was still withholding something from her, but she wasn't paying enough attention to the thumping.

He didn't promise.

"You too," he whispered.

She didn't promise either.

"Hey remember when we first met?"

He rolled his eyes, "Yep. You were crying and annoying."

"And you were insensitive and a whiny little—"


"You're sitting in my spot." The H/H girl looked up to find three boys standing in the doorway. The very blonde one crossing his arms.

She sniffed loudly, in hopes he'd get the hint to just forget the seat and go sit somewhere else. She started to rub her watering eyes and stared right back at the boy.

"Come on now," he continued. "Just go find somewhere else to sit. Crabble and Goyle and I have sat here every year since we've been here."

She bore into his eyes. "It's our second year."

"So? It's going to be tradition."

"Sod off." She gripped her bag against her chest, ready to give up and move. "Just let me sit here this one time."

He studied her. "Your face is puffy."

"I had no idea." She hiccuped, trying to get herself to stop crying.

"I'd rather not sit next to a girl who's going to be crying the whole way there." The blonde one sat next to her while the two chubby boys sat across from them.

"You should stop being such an arse."

"And you should stop crying. What's wrong anyways?"

"Like you care."

"You're right. I don't." He turned the other way and stared out the window.

"Y/N L/N," she told him.


"That's my name."

"Draco Malfoy," he smiled proudly at it.

She looked unimpressed, which frustrated the other boy. He smoothed out the wrinkles in his shirt and crossed his arms again. It was only when he heard small uneven breathing when he turned towards her again.

"Oh Salazar Slytherin, what now?" He asked harshly.

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

He felt a tug of guiltiness and he tensed up. "Why are you crying?" He asked, softer this time.

Hesitant at the seemingly uncharacteristic tone of genuineness, she didn't go into detail."My friends ditched me," she said between sniffs.

"Find new ones," he said nonchalantly.

"It's not that simple," she glared at him.


"You don't have any friends either," she pointed out.

He shrugged, disregarding the two boys sitting across from him. "You know what, it's a shame I hate you. You seem like an okay person who need a friend."



"Oh whatever," he rolled his eyes. "You definitely loved me the first time you saw me."

"True," she smiled. "However the first time I really saw you was later, when you finally opened up to me."

"Well, I knew I loved you the moment you hit me in the face with a broom."

She laughed. "Maybe I should do it more often, so I can just remind you of my love for you."

"Looking forward to it," he responded sarcastically.


I don't know what that was, I just know I need to start updating more often!

p.s. I love your comments so much, they make my day

p.p.s. I hope your having a great day! My pm is always open and ready to make new friends

p.p.p.s thank you so much for reading :)

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