Secret Santa (Draco Malfoy)

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Hello readers, I've been binging Sherlock!

The Slytherin house decided it would be a splendid if they did a Secret Santa type of thing. After putting everyone's name in a box, all the students lined up to draw someone.

You talked with your friend, Avery, as you waited in line.

"Who do you hope to get?" You asked.

Avery blushed, "I hope I get, Henry."

"Him?" You discreetly pointed to a black haired boy towards the back of the line. She nodded.

"Who do you want to get?"

"I don't know...- someone cute," you laughed.

"Oh god, what if you get Pansy?" She asked on a horrified tone.

Your face contorted into a look of a disgust, "I hope I don't!"

The line shuffled forward slowly and so did you.

"And if you get, Draco?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Are you suggesting something?" You blushed.

"Pansy has been trying to get with Draco since forever-"

"So wh-"

"And he's been saying no because he likes someone else!" She squealed.

"Me?" You asked. "There are about a million other girls here!"

"But only sees one," she nudged your shoulder and poked your side.

You looked away, your face red as a rose.

"Draw a name," Professor Snape said mumbling.

You quickly grabbed a name, followed by Avery.

"Who'd you get?" She blurts out, as she peered over your shoulder to see.

"Who'd you get?" You respond.

She showed you the tiny slip. She got a first year named Katie Brewer and she didn't even seem disappointed she didn't get Henry.

You glanced at your piece of paper again before shoving it in your pocket.

"C'mon, (Y/n), you can tell me."

"It's nobody," you insisted. "Just some bloody git."

She smiled mischievously, "oh! I know who you got!"

"No. No you don't."

Avery tapped your nose, "yup. I do!" She squealed loudly.

"Stop," you said, "people are staring."

"Who?" She looked around. "Oh! Him!"

Sure enough, a pair of silver eyes were looking at you. You made awkward eye contact for a moment, before he turned away and started to talk to Vincent.

"This is stupid," you muttered.

"May I remind you that the Secret Santa idea was yours?" She grinned.

You made a noise from the back of your throat.

How dare fate do this to you? How dare it hand you a slip of parchment with his name on it! You couldn't believe you had gotten Draco high-on-his-throne Malfoy.

This sucks.

But there's going to be a part two!

Anyways, what is your Ilvermorny house? I'm in Horned Serpent!

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