Dating Would Include (Albus Severus Potter)

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Requested by rikanazy

I hope this is what you were thinking of lol


Dating Albus Severus Potter would include...

- meeting him in the Slytherin common room during the first day of the first year

- "isn't your dad famous or something?"




- happy™ you don't expect anything from him because his dad is Harry Potter

- standing up for him when he gets teased

- being friends with Scorpius as well

- mutually liking each other for a whole year and a half before one of you speaks up

- (Scorpius knowing you like each other)

- (him shipping you two)

- quoting vines together



(purebloods being confused)

- putting up with his sarcasm and self-depreicating humor (because y'all are gen z kiddos)

- end of third year, scorpius accidentally spilling the beans to both of you

"Oh my godric, you told Albus?!"

"I diDnT mEaN tO. iF iT heLpS hE liKeS yOu tOo?"

"Ha not"

- but also...

"So, Potter, I heard you like me"

"sCorPius hYPeriOn maLfOy wHat diD yOu dO"

"sHe liKeS yOu toO"

- and then...

"So are we a thing now?"

"I guess so"



- being that cheesy couple just to annoy Scorpius (he was the one who sold you guys out)

- being there for him when the expectations get too much

- him venting to you after the fight he had with his dad before fourth year

- being the cutest couple ever

- binging shows over the summer together, because Hogwarts deprives kids of being active in their fandoms over the summer

"wow that actor's hot"


"I mean look at him"

- ranting to each other

- being there for each other (even when he goes back in time and messes with the time line)


^^barry allen who?

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