Hogsmeade (Remus Lupin)

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Christmas was, by far, your favorite time of year. The (h/h) common room was decorated beautifully. A large fresh pine tree stood proudly in the middle of the Great Hall. The ceiling was always reflecting snow these past few days, and garland and Christmas lights were everywhere.

Christmas was really beautiful at Hogwarts.

But the best part wasn't the decorations, it was spending it with all your friends and Remus Lupin, your boyfriend.

"Attention students," Dumbledore announced. "We are having a trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow. Pease turn in your permission slip to one of the professors, and meet in the courtyard at three o'clock."

After his announcement, students were buzzing.

I turned to the Marauders, "are you guys going?"

"Wouldn't-" Sirius said.

"-miss it-" James exclaimed.

"-for the world!" They said in unison.

"It really is creepy when you do that," you said smiling.

"Are you going, Remus?" You asked.

He looked up and blushed, "of course."


You shoved your left hand in your pocket and held Remus' in the other. You were freezing and the fact it was snowing didn't help.

"Do you want to head into The Three Broomsticks?" Remus asked as he wrapped an arm around.

You nodded.

He pushed the door open for you. You walking in and instantly felt the warmth. James, Sirius, and Peter were all sitting in a large booth. You and Remus slid on the opposite side.

"Hey, we already ordered for you," Peter greeted.

"Thanks," you grinned. "I'll go get them."

You kissed Remus' cheek before going to the bar to grab the five glasses. With the help of a simple levitation spell, you managed to get them back to the table without spilling them.

"What are you two lovebirds going to do?" Sirius asked winking.

"We were planning to go take a walk and just window shop," Remus responded.

"Without you..." you added.

Sirius pretended to be hurt, "(Y/n), Remmy!"

You grinned and rolled your eyes. After everyone finished their drinks, you all went back outside and split up again. Remus had his arms around you as you walked through the streets, peering into shop windows.

"(Y/n), I was thinking" -that's never a good sentence starter, you thought- "and, um, I think I love you."

You looked down and blushed, "that's brilliant," you looked at him, "because I think I love you too."

He gave you a shy smile.

His eyes were an intense shade. Beautiful, nonetheless... intense, but beautiful. They were looking right back at you. You could see his pupils dilate, (a/n: I've been watching too much Sherlock lol help) wasn't that a sign they were looking at something they hopelessly love? Your mind felt foggy from the tension and the lack of space between you two. You leaned in and so did Remus. Your lips met halfway. You felt him smile against the kiss. This wasn't like the other kisses, cliche, I know, but it felt different. It felt like a commitment and a promise. Not a scary oh-my-gods, one that said, I promise to never let you go.

You truly were falling for the dorky Remus Lupin, you ran into in your first year.


How cliche of me! Oops... sorry not sorry... anyways, I hope you'll have a great 2017, I hope it'll be better than 2016 (yikes). I'm currently working on a New Year's one! Keep requesting!

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