Somebody To You (Harry Potter)

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Request by copperishqueen and Ravenclawfolife

All of this is from memory (yikes) and a tiny bit of research. I apologize if I've made an error about an event that happened in the books. If you feel the need to correct me, I don't care, but please don't have like five different people correct me on the same thing.


Harry's first year, you had been the first one to be friendly to him, unknown to the fact it was the Harry Potter you were talking to. You were a muggleborn and had no idea who Harry Potter was. You helped him to platform 9 3/4 and walked through the seemingly solid wall with him. You talked with him about the wizarding world while they waited for the crowd to thin so they could shove their way onto the train.

However, when you both got on the train, you bid him a good luck and a farewell when you saw he would be turned over into good hands of one of those nice Weasley boys you'd ran into in Diagon Alley and an intelligent bushy haired girl, and you headed off the other way to meet her other friends who you'd met previously while shopping for school supplies.

You were sorted into H/H and Harry was sorted into Gryffindor. Each of you cheered loudly for each other when you both were sorted as if you were good old friends, but your friendship didn't extend further than that in your first year.

You was plenty busy with normal Hogwarts classes, while Harry and his closer friends busied themselves in several extra curriculars consisting of life threating activities.

However, whenever you saw each other in the hallways, you never hesitated to say hi.

Your first year ended with sending Harry Potter- you'd finally found out exactly who he was by that point- sweets in the infirmary. After his wild scavenger hunt to the sorcerer's stone. And then you just ended up almost regretting it when Dumbledore pulled favorites and let Gryffindor win House Cup, when Slytherin should've won fair and square.


Second year was full of disappointments. You were sent into a dizzying high alert mode when the blood painted message "ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE" appeared. You was nearly petrified. Twice. It was not fun.

Not to mention those stupid valentines cards. Elves were pulling people every which way, and your friends were receiving them after nearly every class.

You, however, received one. You didn't mind though, boys were a huge waste of your time. Your best friend, Elane, had been getting them every which way.

And Harry... well, Harry liked to occupy most of his time looking out for you. You were one of the many people he cared deeply about, and he also knew you were a muggleborn.

"Don't you want to do something with your life, N/N?" Elane asked towards the end of the year. "All you do is read!"

"I have done something with my life," you shrugged. You pointed towards Harry and Ron sitting on the other side of the Great Hall. Hermione was in the infirmary after being petrified. "See those dorks? I helped set those iconic three together."

Elane rolled her eyes. "That's not resume material. Besides, doesn't everyone like hate him because he can speak to snakes?"

"Okay, okay. First off he's not evil or something. That wouldn't even make sense. Why would he have defeated Voldm-"


"My apologies. I meant 'you-know-who'. Anyways, why would he have defeated him and then turned around and started working with him?"

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