The Library (Remus Lupin)

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Hey! I've been so inactive and my writings have gotten messy and terrible. Some of these drafts have  been here since last summer.... I'm such a sucky admin, sorry!!

Will you tell me something about your day? Like what'd you do or how was it?

If y'all don't start requesting stuff this story's going to be updated every year... I'm kidding guys, it'll be more like every six months


He didn't realize it at first, but the next thing he knew he was spending most of his free time in the library hoping he'd bump into the pretty Ravenclaw again. Once again, he was sitting by the window glancing up every time he heard someone walking in.

"So," He turned around, startled to see Sirius. "This is where our Moony sneaks off to."

"What?" He responded with fake confusion.

"Either you're on studying overdrive," Sirius and James sat around him. "Or... there's something else..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he responded, brushing it off.

He twirled his pencil and stared at the blank piece of parchment. He nervously flipped the page in his textbook just to do something with his hands. Remus looked up at the sound of someone coming in and sighed dejectedly.

James and Sirius exchanged a look, "Expecting someone?"

"No," He responded too quickly. They raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"This wouldn't happen to concern Y/N, would it?" Padfoot commented smiling.

Remus stopped spinning his pencil for a spit second. "I'm going to study somewhere else." He closed his book and collected his things and quickly walked down the hall.

"Well," James grinned. "Thanks, Remmy, for confirming our suspicions."

You walked into the library. You looked up from your book for a moment and you felt your shoulders fall when you saw he wasn't in his usual spot. As you were looking you caught the attention of the infamous Marauders. You quickly turned to leave.

"Fancy seeing you here, Y/N."

You stuck a bookmark between the pages and closed your book.

"Hi— uh," You responded, nervously.

"So," James said with mock seriousness. "What do you think of our friend?"

You nearly choked on air. You felt your cheeks heat up as well. "I—"

"Y/N was it?" Sirius asked.

You nodded.

"You see our very good partner in crime thinks you're pretty," The hazel eyed boy pushed his glasses up.

Sirius cut in, "And he isn't wrong."

"So, what do you think about him?"

"I—" You raked your brain and came up with about a million things to say, but all of them you wanted to say to him... not to his best friends.

"Wait," Sirius interrupted. "Do you guys study together?"

You stared at your shoes. "Um, no."

"So it's just you guys come in here to stare at each other for hours while the other isn't looking?"

James winked, "Classic love story."

"He doesn't stare at me," You told them.

"Ah, yes!" Padfoot exclaimed. "The latter is oblivious— check! This is a typical love story."

"He doesn't like me," You said, annoyed at their antics.

"And if he did..."

"Well... I'd... I mean..." You failed to complete your thought.

The two boys in front of you became serious. "Remus is our best friend and he's a good guy, s—"

"Sirius?" They all whirled around. "James? I... forgot my... quill..."

You made eye contact with Remus and turned red, and quickly dashed down the halls.

He turned on his friends. "What'd you tell her?"

They shrugged sheepishly.

James spoke up, "We were having a normal conversation."

"Ugh, I'm going to murder you," He said before walking back out into the hall.

He saw the glimpse of a blue and bronze blur dash around the corner. He ran towards you and skidded to a stop.

"What's at the end of a rainbow?"

You sighed and only took a few moments to answer it. "Th—"


You felt a hand on your wrist turn you around. You shifted lightly on the balls of your feet, nervously. "Hi."

"Um," He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Sorry about my friends."

You gave a light laugh, "I like them. They really care about you."

He looked confused. That wasn't the response he was expecting. "What'd they tell you?"

"Something about..." You blushed.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" He blurted out.

"Of course," You smiled.

He leaned forward and gave you a small kiss on your cheek. Your heart slammed against your chest. Surely it was loud enough for him to hear. You clutched your book closer to your chest and smiled to yourself as Remus walked back to his friends. And you could faintly hear them teasing him because they were hiding around the corner.

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