The Hogwarts Express Pt. 2 (the Marauders)

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Hey guys, so I was thinking. Okay so it's your first year in the story right? And if you'd want to make it a story where you end up with someone it would be very awkward. Because I can't do a giant time skip to where I would be more comfortable writing about you getting together because you would have know each other a while, and then if I don't do the time skip but you get together then it would be rushed. So you guys are just going to be friends :)

Comment for part three, I'll do a part three at ten part three requests

Oh and I'm taking out Molly because she wasn't at Hogwarts at the time.. whoops lol

You sat down beside Lily and the boys behind you followed.

"What house do you guys want to be in?" Remus asked.

"I'm not really sure," you paused to think. "Probably (h/h)."

"What about you, Lily?" James asked.

"I'm hope to be in the house I'm meant to be in," she smiled brightly.

"That's amazing," he said sighing.

"We all want to be in the same house," Sirius said as he referred to the four of them.

"Yep," Peter agreed.

I sunk into my seat and leaned my head against the window. I watched as the scenery zoomed by, only giving me a few seconds to savor the nature.

"Anything from the trolley, dear?" An old woman asked me as she pushed a cart overflowing with candy.

I touched the messenger bag around my body and heard the coins clinking against each other. I knew I had to save them up.

"Nothing for me, thanks," I said.

"Me neither," most everyone agreed.

"I'll take everything," James grinned and winked.

The lady took his money and gave him handfuls of candy and sweets. Then she strode off to take some other kids' money.

"Want any, (Y/n)?" James asked.

"Sure!" I responded.

Sirius gasped dramatically. "James! I thought we had something! But... alas I was wrong!"

A smirk played at James' lips, "want some candy?"

"Duhhh," he grabbed some jelly bean sort of things and I started eating a chocolate frog.

"You all can have some too," James said to the group.

"Thanks!" Lily and I said in unison.

Soon everyone was stuffing their faces with delicious candy.

"The train is almost to Hogwarts. We best be getting ready," Lily reminded everyone, then left to go change.


I walked into the Great Hall and stared at everything, amazed. There was hundreds of students all sitting at multiple long tables. At the front sat a lot of professors who looked welcoming. Above was a large scenery of darkened blue skies with a glowing moon and a dash of stars.

"James, this is awesome!" You exclaimed at the guy who has fallen instep with you.

"Yep, (N/n) ~nickname~. Hogwarts is beautiful," he said slinging an arm around your shoulder.

"(Y/n), it's almost our turn to get our houses!" Remus said excitedly.

"James, cutie at 3 o'clock," Sirius nudged him. The four of them ever so slowly turned to their right. I glanced at who all of them were staring at. It was a pretty Ravenclaw who was writing something.

I slapped Sirius on the arm playfully, "stop staring!" I whispered loudly. "It's creepy."

"C'mon, (Y/n)!" Padfoot whined.

We chatted until they started calling names to be sorted. Turns out, a talking hat sorts people into their houses. It's odd to have a hat looking into your thoughts, I mean we all have those thoughts we'd die if anyone knew of. And then the hat knows things about you you don't even know about yourself. Is that not creepy? Even creepier than all four of those adorable little dorks staring at someone.

"(Y/n)!" Peter tapped me and gestured towards the stool and the hat. "It's your turn."

"Oh!" You responded.

"Good luck!" They all said.

You ran up there and sat down. Within seconds the hat knew exactly what house you should be in.

"(H/H)!" The hat cried out.

You flashed a smile towards the boys and ran to your table.

Whether they're in my house or not, you thought, I'll be the best friend those cuties have ever had.



I'm working on the requests, don't worry! They'll be here before Christmas, along with some Christmas or Hanukkah specials!

If you have a specific person you want the holiday specials to be with, comment here!

xoxo gossip girl... jk...

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