Stop and Stare (Remus Lupin)

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Request by @lightningheart22

actually, im not dead

just severely inactive


Ever since Y/N was a baby, there has always been a competition for attention between Y/N and her brother. Each Potter child was equally talented in different aspects, but James was the extroverted and loud one, and Y/N was the shy and reserved one.

James—being James— did his best to make his twin seen, but everyone was simply drawn towards the natural energy that radiated off of him. Even though she loved him for his efforts, at every chance she had, she picked the opposite of him. In the sense that she needed to prove to herself that she didn't need him to be noticed.

Which was the sole reason she strayed from her brother and went to Beauxbatons. She often stayed over during the holidays, so James hardly ever saw his twin. Just before fourth year, her parents insisted she go to Hogwarts with her brother, because she'd been too distant. So with a sigh, she packed up and took the next train home

The shy, little Y/N James thought needed protection that left for Beauxbatons wasn't the same one that came back.


"Over Lils this year, Prongs?" Y/N looked up and saw a black haired boy poke his head into the train compartment. The boy proceeded to sit himself down next to James.

James just gave a simple, "No."

She could see the wheels turning in his head, devising new ways to get Lily to fall in love with him this year. Half of the letters she'd received was James rambling on about the redhead.

"Jamie's never going to get over Evans," she added. "I can see them doing strange couple-y stuff like them sharing a vanilla milkshake with rainbow sprinkles."

"It'd be a chocolate milkshake," Y/N's twin interjected. "She prefers chocolate."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, lover boy," She rolled her E/C eyes. "You're so whipped."

"This girl gets me," The stranger said, agreeing with her last statement. "Where have you been hiding her, Prongs?"

"Beauxbatons," She said. "James wanted to come here and I wanted to go there, but, well, here I am. So I guess you know how that turned out."

"Sirius Black," He introduced.

"Y/N Potter," She responded, politely.

Changing the subject, James pushed up his glasses and asked, "Where's Moony and Wormtail?"


"Hey," she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

It'd been two months since the E/C eyed girl had started at Hogwarts, and since meeting them she realized she'd taken an immediate liking to Remus. He was kind and smart, and something seemed to click between the two.

They'd quickly became best friends. However, the rest of the group soon watched as a different relationship became to blossom.

"Just admit it, Y/N," Lily poked her friend. She then turned towards the werewolf. "You too, Remus. Honestly, you too."

Y/N felt heat rise to her cheeks.

"You guys are absolutely just painfully adorable," Lily informed them.

"Wait!" James said. "They like each other?"

"Well duh," Sirius said. "It's obvious."

There was a pause in the conversation, as James recounted all the times he'd seen them interact and overlooked it as friendship.

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