Hello There (James Potter)

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"Is this thing on?" James tapped the camera, sending a loud thumping sound through the speakers.

Harry watched as his mother jumped into frame. She looked so happy as if everything was light as air. He saw the way his mom and dad looked at each other.

In all the pictures he had of them, they always shared that same look as if they were the only two people in the world. Harry didn't think he'd ever get sick of seeing pictures of his parents.

"James, stop being such a oldie," she laughed. James rolled his eyes. She turned her focus back to the camera.

The screen wobbled, making Harry feel motion sickness. It already made his stomach flip seeing his parents. This is the last thing they left him, and it was strange only seeing it just now that Remus had confessed to knowing his parents.

"Sirius, stop shaking the camera! You're going to make Harry throw up," Y/N chided. The frames began to steady.

Harry tensed up. Sirius. The Sirius that Harry knew would later betray his parents.

"Hi, unborn baby Harry!" James waved into the camera.

Y/N also waved. "Hi!" She turned back to her husband. "Oh I wonder if he'll have your eyes!"

James adjusted his glasses. "I wonder if he's going to play quidditch! Or if he's picking up all the ladies like his godfather, Sirius." That comment earned him a light hit on the shoulder. James winked at the man behind the camera nevertheless.

"Or maybe he's studious like Remus and Lily. Or maybe he's quiet like Peter."

Harry watched the video carefully, taking in each and every sentence as fast as he could.

"Well, whatever you end up to be, just know we'll love you all the same, sweetheart," his mother grinned genuinely.

"Yup," James agreed. "You're going to be the coolest son, and I'm going to be the coolest dad."

"Remus, Peter, Sirius, Lily, do you have anything to add?" Y/N beckoned at some people out of the camera.

The focus flipped towards Sirius. It was exactly nothing like the newspaper's pictures. This image of Sirius Black captured a happy and carefree expression.

"Hello, baby Potter! I still think it would've been pretty awesome if your name was Sirius after the most fabulous person in your life."

Harry refrained from laughing. Murderer. Betrayer. He studied him, wondering if in that moment he knew he was going to kill his parents.

"Oh shut up!" A feminine voice, not belonging to his mother, mused out of frame. "Let me see the camera."

It swiveled around to reveal a woman with long apple red hair. "Hey, Harry, it's Lily! I just wanted to tell you that you have the most amazing parents ever. Their romance is absolutely nauseatingly cute, and I know that they're going to love you so so much! You're going to have so many sweet people in your life."

The camera panned, letting Harry get a glimpse of all the parental figures he could've had in his life. His heart clenched and his stomach twisted.

"Alrighty, my turn!" A younger Remus than the one Harry saw everyday in Defense of the Dark Arts appeared. This one looked happier too-- less tired and stressed out. "Lily's right. You're going to have the absolutely coolest people in your life. And you're going to meet even more friends at Hogwarts-- or where ever you end up going. We're always going to be here for you."

"You guys!" Sirius whined, directing the camera back towards him. "Okay, I was unaware this was supposed to be very serious, so I'm back again to put in a better word. Your parents are two of the nicest people in the world. They befriended me, and your dad took me in as one of their own, and your mom helped me graduate and get out of a countless amount of detentions."

"The stage is all yours, Peter," Remus pushed the camera towards him.

Peter waved at the camera, awkwardly. "W-well, I know that you're going to have the most exciting life at whatever school you go to, and you're going to make so many friends. We'll always be here to welcome you home, though."

Y//N ruffled Peter's hair. "You guys are too sweet!

"Hear that, Harry? Now it's confirmed on recording that we are indeed the most amazing parents in the world," James chuckled.

Harry's mother pecked James on the cheek dreamily. "Just imagine it! Twelve or so years from now, we're going to be at Diagon Alley helping Harry buy his school supplies!"

"Imagine the type of broom the future will have," Harry's dad added.

"Oh goodness, it's going to be so much fun! And then we'll be there to send him off the school and watch as he goes on the train and make new friends. Jamsie, I can't wait to see what type of person is going to turn out to be!" She said excitedly.

He laughed. "And we're also going to be the coolest grandparents ever."

The chosen boy's throat tightened at each missed opportunity that could've happened. Things could've been so much easier.

"We're so excited to meet you," his dad said.

"We just want to let you know that we'll love you no matter what. We'll always be on your side. And also, we wanted to say that you're already the best thing that's happened to us."

"Lover boy and lover girl, we're about to run out of film," Sirius said.

Y/N sobered from her fantasy land and James put an arm around her. "Bye bye, Harry. I love you!"

"I love you!" James waved again and the video cut off abruptly.

Harry furiously wiped his tears. He wanted nothing more to see his parents in person and hear it straight from them. He started to imagine the way things could've gone if Sirius hadn't sold them out.

He sighed sadly and put away the video.

"Love you too."


My writing is always super unedited so I apologize hah

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