Stubborn (Sirius Black)

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Hi! I'm finally updating! Yay!
Thanks for bearing with me as I slowly update!


"I hate him," The Slytherin student pushed her glasses up higher and walked down the halls, angrily.

She was staring at the ground and when she finally looked up she noticed him coming down the hall on the opposite side. She internally groaned, had she noticed earlier, she would've taken a right and taken a longer way to class. She let her hair fall over her face as she looked down. She attempted to walk past him, quickly.

"Hey, L/N," He smiled.

"Hi, Black," She replied, shortly.

She met his eyes, and instantly felt her cheeks heating up.

"Oh Grodric, woman," He muttered. "What'd I do now?"

Her mind shifted through all the truthful answers and selected an indignant remark. "You exist," She responded. She tried not to give into the laughter as he feigned offense.

"My, my, L/N," He shook his head. "And here I thought we were finally getting along."

"In your dreams," She replied.

"Yep," He winked.

Y/N inwardly cringed, "You're a pig."

"Yeah, I'm a real animal," He smirked.

"I hate you," She stated.

"Let me take you out next Hogsmead weekend, Dear," He attempted to take her hand to kiss it. "Let me change your mind."

She turned on her heels. "I'm not your dear."


Since second year, the two had been fighting. The bickering never stopped, from insults, to pranks, to little hexes. Nothing permanent, nothing too mean, just enough to keep the latter on their toes... just enough for them to know that 'yep, you still irritate me'.

Going back though all the mental records, nobody actually knows how the bickering started. Only that ever since they can remember, it was uncommon that Sirius Black and Y/N L/N were seen arguing up and down the halls.

That was until fifith year. Something in the relationship shifted. Sirius backed away from their feud for awhile, which left Y/N confused beyond recognition. He returned and the girl was ready to retaliate his play with insults. Unfortunately, he had other plans... shifting from being arch enemy to being the target of the Sirius's flirting.

Calling it annoying would be an understatement. It was as if everywhere she turned, he would be there, equipped with an infamous Sirius Black smile.

"Stop that," Y/N told him, annoyed.

He sat across from her, propping his elbows on the table and staring at her. The E/C girl on the other hand, had the contents of her bag spilled out on the table. All of her homework was on display, ranging from due tomorrow to due next week to due three days ago.

"Hush, now," he replied. "We're in the library."

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"Why would I want to be anywhere else?" He said smoothly. "You're right here."

"Go pine over some other girl," she said. "I'm never going out with you. My mum would flip."

"But you would go out with me. Is that what I'm hearing?" He smirked.

"I think you need to clean your ears," she said, shoving all stuff back in her bag.

Perhaps studying in the common room would be more productive. Maybe the Malfoy boy would be out terrorizing someone instead of annoying the common room.

Hurriedly, she started to make way to leave. Sirius got up as well and followed her clicking heels.

"Just one date?" He asked.


"Come on now, love," he said.

"Don't call me that," she snapped.





"Whatever you say, dear," he smirked.

"I'm not your dear," she turned sharply and headed for dungeons.


"What are you doing?" Y/N asked him.

"Eating lunch with you," he said nonchalantly.

"At the Slytherin table?"

"Is this not your table?"

She rolled her eyes. "Why aren't you sitting with your band of merry men?"

"They aren't you," he explained cheesily.

"You ought to stop wasting your time with me and go find someone else," she tried again. "I still don't like you."

He raised an eyebrow. "This is progress. You don't hate me anymore."


"How about you be my potions partner from now on?"

"How about no?" She supplied. "What about your merry man, Potter?"

"He's too busy pining over Lily."

She scoffed.

"Think about it, dear."

"No thanks, Robin Hood."

"This isn't the end for us, my dear Marian."


She decided to play it safe and take the long way to class. Her efforts were proven useless as she ran into Sirius anyways.

"Get your beauty sleep, Marian?"

"All four hours of it, Robin Hood" she muttered.

"Maybe you should tell them you're sick, and go back to your dorm and sleep."

She yawned, "I can't miss classes."

"That's a lame excuse."

She dragged her feet against the floor, lazily. "I'm hungry."

Sirius smiled brightly, "Then I bet you're happy I brought you food!"

He presented a cheese danish.

Y/N wrinkled her nose. "I hate cheese."

His smile didn't falter as he showed her a plain cupcake in the other hand.

"Ooh yum!" She snatched up the cupcake and shoved it in her mouth. "Thanks."

"No problem."

She wiped frosting off her nose and stared Sirius, taking in his proud expression.

"Give me a day," He said simply. "Tomorrow at 2 o'clock."

"Only if I get more food," she told him with light green frosting covering her mouth.

"Of course, my dear," he grinned, slightly surprised. "I will bring you all the food in the world— except cheese."

"I'm not your dear," she reminded him.

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