Nothing's Wrong (Sirius Black)

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You blinked quickly, forcing him back into focus. "You can't mean that"

He had a cold, unreadable expression on his face that didn't meet his watering eyes. His voice quivered just slightly, "Y/N, just go."

"No, why won't you just tell me what's wrong?" You tried to take a small step towards him, but he flinched away, startling you. You retreated into yourself.

"I said," his tone held restraint that was slowly breaking. "Go."

You held your chin up, meeting his eyes. All week you could tell something had been bothering him, but you didn't want to pry. You didn't want to overstep your boundaries, and you knew if he wanted to vent, he knew where to find you. However, he'd spent the past few days coiling in on himself and avoiding you in the halls. At first you allowed him his space, not wanting to come off as clingy, but being disrespected by him was your breaking point.

You crossed your arms, giving him a clear indication that you were irritated with him. But you gave him a kind reminder in the most annoyed way possible. "Fine. I don't know what's up with you, but you can't shut me out like this. If you find that you eventually want to talk, I'll always make time for you. Nevertheless, I'm not going to deal with your immature rudeness every time I try and help."

You uncrossed your arms, softening your voice. "But I forgive you." Then you turned and walked out of his room.

As soon as you left, he collapsed onto his bed. He knew he'd just made one of the biggest mistakes of his life pushing you away like that. And for some reason even as you were highly annoyed with him you still kept your calm.

I forgive you.

He frowned as he replayed those words in his head. He didn't deserve that. Not after the hell of a week he'd put you through.


"Hey, Siri," you lightly bounced on your heels with excitement. "I was thinking-- I know it's late-- but snickerdoodle cookies sound so good right now. Do you want to go sneak into the kitchens?"

He averted his eyes from his school work and looked at the light in your eyes. You looked excited at the idea of a bit of rule breaking. Even as he felt the charm radiating off of her, he couldn't seem to make himself as excited as she was.

"M'sorry, I really have to finish this paper. He's only giving me until tomorrow to turn it in, because it's already late." Sirius shifted his focus back on his homework as he spoke, not being able to withstand watching your light dwindling.

You pulled the chair opposite from him out from under the table, the scraping of it against the floor drawing his attention again. "Oh, that's alright. Surely I can help you."

He was already stressed and high strung from the detention time he'd spent today for something he didn't even do, and from the pestering of his friends. "It's alright. I've got it," he responded before you had time to sit down, as he knew as soon as you'd get settled into the chair you'd be staying. And as rude as it sounded, he really didn't have the emotional effort to occupy his girlfriend's time.

Covering up your slight hurt, you pulled the sleeves of your shirt over your your hands and rubbed the fabric between your fingers. "Okay," you leaned down to kiss his forehead and tuck his hair behind his ear. "Well goodnight, Siri. We'll have to do cookies later." You smiled brightly and retreated up the stairs and into your dorm.

"What was that all about?" Prongs took the seat that was already half scooted out.

Sirius pretended not to hear his question and continued with the paper. He only had a few sentences and it wasn't a lie that his extended due date was in fact tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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