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Niall throws another pistachio in in air and catches it in his mouth.
"You know, I think it's time you tell him," Niall says.
Harry gives him a bizarre look. "Niall, are you going to push me towards this? If you are you can leave." He points to the door.
"Haz, he was the father," Niall says. "Who cares if he doesn't want it? You'll never know until you ask."
"He made himself quite clear on how he felt about me," Harry huffs. "Straight," he scoffs. "Louis' as straight as my hair for gods sake." He clutched his stomach as a pain runs through it.
Niall notices and springs over to him. "Are you okay? Do you think it's coming?"
"I don't know. I'll tell if there's another one, we'll need to be counting between contractions."
It isn't but forty minutes later when Harry feels his pants dampen. He sucks in his breathe. He nods. "I think it's coming. My water broke."
Niall stands up and rushes to the phone. "I'll call Zayn, Liam, your mom, and a hospital!" He says. He dials a number and walks away. "Zayn, hi..."
Harry stays on the couch. He rubs his stomach. "You just had to come early didn't yeah? First time you'll ever be early to something if I keep my streak up." Harry smiles to himself.
Niall rushes back in. "Zayn's on his way with Liam. Your moms going to be here as soon as she can. I made a reservation for your room," he squeals. "I'm going to be an uncle."
"You already are," Harry mumbles. "Do we have any olives?"
Niall frowns. "You ate them all yesterday."
Harry pouts. "Oh."
"Pickles maybe? To pass the time?"
"No, I'm being fat anyways." He has another contraction. "What time is it?"
Niall looks at his watch. "Almost one. Zayn should be here soon."
Just like magic, there was a knock. Niall ran to answer and came back with two other boys.
"Liam already set up a place for you in the car," Zayn says. "Let's go now."
"I need to change clothes and get the baby bag," Harry says, slowly getting up with much struggle.
"Already got you," Liam says. He gives Harry a fresh pair of boxers and black sweats. He has a light blue bag. "Time to go."
They all get in Zayn's car. There's a blanket for Harry in the back. They check into the hospital, Liam fills out all the paper work as soon as possible. Zayn makes sure Harry's as comfortable as he can be.
"Are you going to call him?" Zayn asks. He fluffs his pillow.
"Who now?" Harry asks.
Zayn give him a stern look. "You know who. You baby daddy."
Harry shakes his head. "Does he need to know?"
Zayn gets out Harry's phone. "Call him."
Harry sighs, but takes his phone. He finds the right name in his contacts and calls.
"'Ello?" A groggy voice answers.
"Hello, is this Louis Tomlinson?" Harry asks.
"It is, what can I do for you?"
"Uh, it's Harry and-"
"Wait, Harry Styles? From Uni?"
Harry nods, but realizes Louis can't see him. "Yes, that Harry."
"My god. How long has it been? A year?"
"About eight months."
"Wow, time passes yeah, huh?" Louis laugh.
Harry almost a smashes his head into the pillow. "Yeah, great huh? Louis, I have a reason for calling you."
"Okay?" Louis sounds more uncertain.
"I'm pregnant." No answer. "Well, not for long, I'm actually in the hospital preparing for my- our child." Nothing. "Louis?"
"Your pregnant?"
"Uh huh."
"I- I don't know you were a carrier. Wow. And you know it's mine?"
"Yeah, I don't know but you're the last guy I had sex with in the past year, so it could be anyone else."
"Wow, this is- is hard to process."
Niall takes the phone. "You better process it quickly. There's a little Stylinson coming in less than twenty hours. Get it in your head, your going to be a dad whether you like it or not," Niall says. "We're at the big, fancy hospital. The one where Liam got his arm wrapped up. Get here." Niall hangs up. "He'll be here soon."
Harry face palms himself. Another contraction hits. "Fuck."
"Language," Liam says. "There's a baby in the room."
"The baby's the one that cussed," Zayn says.
"True. We have two babies in the room," Liam laughs.
A nurse comes in. "Okay, Mr. Styles how about we get you changed. We'll have to preform a c-section." Harry goes with her as more nurses set everything up.
"I'm sorry but you will have to leave," says a male nurse. "Only legal gradians or significant others are allowed in here."
"What? That's ridiculous," Liam says.
"Technically, I am his legal guardian," Niall says. "I live with him and look after him."
"I'm sorry sir, he's over the age of eighteen. Technically he doesn't need a legal guardian. So, it's only direct family, so you can't use that card."
"I'm this baby's godfather!" Niall exclaims.
"Ma'am, I'm sorry but we can't leave him alone. He needs us," Liam says.
Harry's laying on the bed. "Please let one of them in." A nurse pulls a curtain around Harry's head.
"Fine," says the nurse speaking to the boys. He points at Zayn. "You don't argue, you can come in." Niall and Liam groan. He shuts Niall and Liam out, and grabs Zayn by the arm. "Get scrubs on over your clothes. Then stand behind the curtain with Mr. Styles."
Zayn obliges. "Hey Haz."
Harry's in tears. "I want my mom," he cries.
Zayn kisses his forehead. "She'll be here soon, babe."
Harry fans his eyes. "It hurts so much. I don't want a baby anymore. I don't."
Zayn laughs. The nurses prepare Harry for his c-section. They numb Harry's lower stomach region and give him a dose of painkillers. Harry holds Zayn's hand, then they start preforming.
Harry yells. Hot tears fall down his face. He squeezes Zayn's hand and cusses. Zayn fries to soothe him. But soon enough they hear "it's out." But no crying.
"My baby, why isn't if crying?" Harry asks.
"Tara, get him back together?" The doctor orders. "Miss Anders help her. Nurse Adam and Payton, we need to preform an emergency CPR on the baby."
"What?" Harry exclaims. He starts bawling. Zayn holds him.
"We won't be able to it in here," says a male nurse. They wheel out the baby on a table.
Harry covers his face. "Oh, God. It's dead."
Zayn kisses his forehead. Trying to comfort him but he feels a large amount of pain also. "Who knows, maybe the baby is just sleeping.
Harry cries harder. "Internal sleep."
"No, babe, it's probably just a minor problem. No need to worry."
"Mr. Styles, I need you to stay still so we can see you back up," a nurse says.
Words: 1155

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