19. Colourful

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Daft Pretty Boys- Bad Suns
Harry's POV:
I try to roll over, but something stops me. The arms squeeze me tighter. My eyes fly open. I scream. Olivia starts crying. The arms disappear.
"Sh, it's okay love," a soft voice says, moving away. Olivia's cries die down.
I sit up and see Louis rocking her in his arms. "What are you doing here?" I ask.
He looks at me unsure. "Oh after I carried you in here, Olivia started crying so I stayed to take care of her. I ended up falling asleep. I'm sorry if I crossed the line."
I shake my head. "No you're fine. I'm sorry if I scared you."
"You didn't. But I think you might have made Olivia concerned. She didn't like that you sounded scared," Louis says giving her to me.
"Huh, were you worried for daddy?" I ask the little girl. "Or were you just angry that I woke you up so early?"
She groggily grabs my hair.
"Maybe I should cut my hair," I say.
"I think you would look very handsome. Maybe like you didn't when I first met you," Louis says.
I smile. "I had a little afro back then."
Louis laughs. "That's so true! I think our little Livi here is going to have curls. If now that'd be so disappointing for me. But she'll be beautiful anyway."
I hug her close to me.
These are the mornings I dreamt about. When we were younger, dating, and strong. I always have wanted a baby with him. Waking up with his arms around me. A baby in my arms, is talking about the day ahead. The years ahead. I used to want that so much. I don't even know what I want anymore.
"I don't think Niall is home. Do you want me to cook you breakfast?" Louis asks.
"No! Definitely not. We can shut that down right now," I say. He laughs.
"Let's go out then, my treat," he says.
"Okay let me get myself and Olivia ready first," I say, getting up.
He takes Olivia swiftly out of my arms. "I'll take care of her." He takes her to her changing table. He's not even dressed himself.
When we're ready to leave I send Niall, Liam, and Zayn a text telling them I'm going out with Louis and Olivia. They would literally freak if I wasn't home. I buckle myself in, Louis buckles Olivia in before getting in the car and driving to a close coffee shop.
It's the one we used to go to together. I remember coming here and just having to tell them who we are and they'd get our coffee or, for Louis, tea. I miss those days.
I carry Olivia in a little kangaroo strap on the front of my chest. Louis orders for both of us. We're recognized easily.
"Louis and Harry? Bless my soul is that you?" An older women asks smiling. Her name is Marry Ann.
"It is, how are you?" Louis asks. He gives her a hug.
"I'm great. Who's this little sweet?" She asks, eyeing Olivia.
"This is our daughter, Olivia," I say.
"A baby! Is that where you two have been? You guys settle down and have a baby! She looks so much like the both of you," she says.
"Yeah, something like that. She came as a surprise," Louis says.
"Well, a baby is a big responsibility. But you'll guys be great parents. So handsome too," she smiles. She dismisses herself and goes to get us our regular orders, plus something more for me to eat.
I smile at the fact that she thought we were dating.
Words: 608
Oh my god! I love Harry's new song. It's my life I'm going to die now. Bye!

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