11. Magic

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Cake- Melanie Martinez
Week 20
Harry's POV:
Dr. James rubs the wand my my stomach. He points at the screen. "There it is. It's getting big."
"Oh my god!" Niall cries. "I'm going to be an uncle.
I sigh. "You already are. You're brother has a kid," I say.
James smiles. "Are you sure you don't want to know the gender?"
I nod. "I'm sure. I'll love it no matter what gender they are."
He nods. "You are going to be a good father. Now is there anything you want to ask me? Any changes you're unsure about." He wipes the gel off my stomach.
"Yes, uh, when should the baby be moving?" I ask.
"The baby is moving, but not necessarily noticeably. They'll start kicking really soon. Your baby is a bit underdeveloped, so I would assume right away."
"Okay, and," I look at Niall, he's distracted my the papers in the walls. "My nipples are getting larger. They're really hurting," I pout.
"Okay, what I want you to do is to buy a sports bra. Your body is preparing for a baby, that's why your boobs are growing."
I nod. "Uh what do I do since I'm a single parent, I get, uh, really h-horny sometimes. I don't know what to do."
"Don't worry nothing could hurt the baby during sex. Feel free to relieve yourself in anyway."
"Okay, thank you," I get up from the table. "Niall, come on." We start to leave. James hands me a book.
"It has almost everything you could question in there," he says. "Read it, please. It'll help your stress level go down."
I nods and find Niall in the lobby. There's so many other women with children or who have a baby bump. I smile at them as I walk out. Some smile back, others look at me in disgust. I'll have to get used to this.
Niall's waiting for me on the sidewalk. He hands me my coat and scarf. "One of us really needs to get a car," he says with his teeth scattering.
I nod. "Especially with a baby on the way."
We start walking to our flat. "We can't depend on Zayn and Liam all our lives."
As we walk past McDonalds., Niall stops. "You hungry?" I nod. He starts walking towards the fast food place.
Surprisingly, Niall orders a larger meal than me. I get a regular cheeseburger, a large fry, apple pie, and a shamrock milkshake. They still are selling those since it's just the end of March. Niall orders a Big Mac meal with extra fries and coffee.
The only open spaces are close to the play area. We eat our meal with screaming kids in the back ground. I smile at them, that's going to be my kid in a few years.
"Oh my god, is that Harry Styles and Niall Horan?" I hear a voice.
I turn around. "Cara!" I say.
She runs over, with a child in her arms. "Hi guys! Oh wow, time goes by so fast."
"I can see that," I say. "Who's this little one!" I ask.
The little girl buries her head into Cara. "This is Skylar. She's a bit shy," she says.
"She's pretty, jut like her mommy," I smile. The little girl giggles. "How old are you sweetheart?"
She holds out two fingers.
"Two? Wow, that's old!" I say.
He giggles and lays her head on her mom's chest. "Are you having baby?" She asks quietly.
"Skylar," Cara scolds.
"No, I am. I'm having a baby really soon. That's why I have a big tummy," I say, patting my stomach.
"Really?! Congrats, Harry!" Cara says. She gives me a hug. "Where's the daddy? I know for a fact Niall's straight."
"Yeah, Louis was the dad. He left before I found out about my little bean."
"Oh, well, he's missing out on a lot. Being a parent is a handful, but it pays off." He smiles at Skylar, "We better get back to daddy, before he comes looking." She waves at us. "It was so great catching up, maybe we'll run into each other again some day!"
"Bye," I wave back. Skylar smiles at me. I look at Niall once they've left. "Wow, we're just seeing everyone from college."
"Yeah, it was a bit strange though. I didn't know she settled down," Niall says. "I didn't see a ring."
"Maybe they haven't got married yet," I shrug.
"Yeah, I guess." He looks at his watch. "It's time to go. My tv show is on tonight."
I laugh. "God, we sound like moms."
Words: 767

Perfect// L.S. MPregWhere stories live. Discover now