16. Beautiful

703 17 1

Small Bump- Ed Sheeran
Harry's POV:
My breath hitches, it's here. Alive. I feel Louis' fingers snake through mine. The nurse that kicked out the boys come in. He's carrying a white blanket. He smiles at me.
"I heard that it was a surprise, so I didn't want you to know from the blanket color," he hands it closer. "Congratulations Mr. Styles, you are now a father to a beautiful baby girl." He gives it to me.
Niall groans, and says something about football. Gemma is back at my side. Zayn is squealing and Liam is trying to keep him quiet.
I look at the bundle in front of me. She has small features. She has tiny wisps of light hair. I breathe out slowly. It causes her to open her eyes.
I swear the room got brighter. She has the greenest eyes in the world. Greener than grass, than leaves, and my eyes. She makes a small noise making everyone coo.
"I'd hate to interrupt, but would you like to fill out the paper now, or later," the nurse asks. I nod.
"Wait have you picked out a name?" Liam asks. I nod. "You never told us, or let us help."
"Yeah, it was one of those things where I wanted to do it myself," I say.
Louis smiles. "What do you want to name her?"
I sigh. "I want her name to be Olivia Alice Styles-Tomlinson. I think Olivia Alice is a beautiful name."
"I love it!" Niall says loudly. Olivia whines. "Sorry," he whispers.
"Okay," the nurse says. "Olivia was born August 2, 2015. At 5:52 pm. She weighs 6 American pounds, and is 17 inches long. She was born with the umbilical cord around her neck, but not tightly. We easily have her CPR."
"Thank you," I say. The nurse dismisses himself. "Who wants to hold her?"
"Me!" Niall exclaims. He comes over to pick her up, but Gemma takes her from me. "Hey!"
"You snooze you loose, Horan," she smiles. "God, she looks so much like you Harry."
"She's going to be so beautiful when she's older," Liam says, looking over Gemma's shoulder.
"Might have to run to keep up with her. She's going to have all the boys chasing her," Zayn says. "And girls too."
"How can someone have that green of eyes?" Calum asks Michael.
"Just look at the daddy's eyes," Luke says. Everyone looks at Louis and my eyes.
"Why can't I have eyes like that?" Michael asks.
"You do, have you looked in the mirror?" Zayn asks.
"Okay, mine turn," Niall's says, carefully picking Olivia up. "I want a baby," he pouts.
"Are you going to have a baby shower? Even though she's already born," Gemma asks.
"Yes! You have to! That'll give me reasons to spoil her!" Niall says. He gives her to Liam.
"Where would I put it? We don't exactly have any room," I say.
"Do you still live in the apartment?" Louis asks.
"Yeah, and Niall lives in the guest room," I say. "We're looking for a new apartment or house."
"A house is nice if you're starting a family," Ashton asks. Zayn is holding Olivia now. "Luke and I are moving into our new house in a few weeks."
"I'm going to get food!" Niall says, Gemma Liam, and Zayn follow him. Luke has Olivia. "I'm going to check if Anne's in the lobby," Calum says, Michael goes with him.
Luke sits next to Ashton, who's holding Emma. Emma, being only a few weeks old, doesn't do much except look at the smaller baby. She smiles, but closes her eyes. Soon they both look like their sleeping. Ashton hands me Olivia.
I look at Louis. "Do you want to hold her?" I ask. He nods quickly. I smile and hand him her.
He cradles her. "Oh my god, she's gorgeous," he says. He starts crying. Ashton and Luke go out of the room.
"Why did I ever leave?" He asks. "I missed the birth of my own child, and your whole pregnancy. Was it hard?"
I shook my head. "No, Niall acted like Olivia's dad. And Zayn and Liam were always checking up on me. It was like having three moms." I smile. "But you did miss out on the fun times."
"I'm going to do anything I can to make it up. If you want I can buy you goes a new house," Louis says.
"All I want if for you to be there when I need you," I say.
He nods. "It might be harder than it sounds. I have a very serious job now. I work at the acting college in central London."
"The one you initially planned on going to, but didn't?" I ask. He nods.
"I have a lot of teaching too, the kids aren't very good," he says.
Olivia starts whining, so he hands her back to me. I somehow get her to breastfeed. "It feels so weird," I say.
Louis laughs. "You'll be fine," he smiles, showing his crinkles in his eyes.
There's a knock at the door. It opens and my mom comes in. Her hairs pulled back and she looks like she get her as quick as she could. She looks at me, then Louis, them Olivia.
"Oh my god, she's precious," she comes over. I give her Olivia. "My goodness, look at you. You look just like Harry as a babe." She looks at Louis. "I have to talk to you later." She goes back to cooing at Olivia.
Louis gives me a nervous look. I shrug at him. He probably deserves everything my mom has to say. I don't want to be the angry ex, but he hurt me really bad, and he has to understand that before I can forgive.
Words: 670

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