4. Bonjour

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Jealous by Beyoncé
Boys night, one week later.
Harry's POV:
"Harry, it's been forever!" Niall yells, hugging me from behind.
"Hasn't been a month?" Zayn asks.
"Yes, that's forever! Harry and Louis live together. You and Liam basically live together now. I live by myself. I'm so lonely," Niall fake cries.
"Actually, I am moving into Zayn's," Liam says.
"Wow, when's the wedding?" Louis asks.
"In a few years. We don't want to rush anything," Liam says, putting his arm around Zayn's shoulder.
"Yeah, and when I change my ways," Zayn says.
"You never know," Niall says, "Liam turns straight men gay. I've seen it happen."
"Isn't that happened to you?" Louis asks.
Liam starts laughing hysterically. Zayn smiles fondly. Louis smirks at me. I shake my head.
"Let's go in," I say. We've been standing outside of a bar for ten minutes waiting for everyone.
We go in and sit at a booth. A brown haired waitress comes to our table. "Hi, I'm Eleanor. I'm going to be your waitress tonight." She smiles. "Can I get you anything right now?"
"I say a round of shots for all of us," Niall says.
"Not me," I say. "I'm the designated driver," I say to Eleanor.
"Okay, what kind of shot?"
"Something cherry?" Liam says.
"Who said you could drive my car?" Zayn asks. I smile.
Eleanor leaves to get our drinks.
Liam leans over to my ear. "She was eyeing Louis?" He whispers.
I nod. "Okay, thanks."
Eleanor brings back the drinks. "Sir, do you want water or a soda of some kind?" She asks me.
"I'll have water, thanks?" I smile.
"Can we have some onion rings?" Niall asks.
"Yup, I'll be right back with your orders," she smiles, and looks at Louis one more time.
I glare at her. I know it's helpless checking out, but I can't help but get jealous. Liam squeezes my knee.
"Calm down. You're smoking out the ears," he laughs.
"Sorry," I say.
"No, I understand completely. If someone was looking at my love like that I would want to kill them," Liam smiles.
I nod. "I remember when Danielle was flirting with that boy from the tube. That was bad."
Liam nods. "Yeah, just don't do anything you'll regret."
"I won't," I say. Eleanor comes back with my water and the onion rings.
"Okay, are you ready for the check?" Eleanor asks.
"No!" Niall exclaims. Liam leans against him laughing.
"Never want to leave," Zayn mumbles.
"Yes, please," I smile.
"I'll pay!" Says Louis. He's not as drunk as the others but he's still drunk.
Eleanor nods. She writes something down on the check and puts it in the table. Louis grabs it and puts twenty pounds in. We leave a five pound tip and try to get the boys out the door.
I sling Niall's are over my shoulder, and grab Zayn's hand. Niall's completely wasted. I drag them to the car. Niall lays down in the back so I put Zayn in the front. I go back inside. Liam's laying down in the booth and Louis buying another beer at the counter.
"Liam, time to go," I say.
He sits up. "Where's Zayn?" He says.
"In the car, let's go?" I grab his hand.
"I want a piggyback ride," he pouts.
I groan. "Fine let's go." He hops in my back. I go over to Louis. "I've got the other boys in the car. Let's go."
Louis nods and follows me stumbling and giggling. He sits next to Liam and Niall in the back. I start driving to my house. Zayn's the only one awake.
He sniffles.
"What wrong, babe?" I ask.
"I miss her so much," Zayn says, wiping his eye.
"Zayn, you can't think about that," I say, holding his hand.
"That's the only thing I think about, though. She left me! I miss her so much," he cries.
"Well, maybe it's a good opportunity to try something new? Go on dates with new people. And be open minded about it/"
"Don't let Louis go. He's the best thing that could happen, keep him forever!" He looks at Louis. "And if he tries to leave, lock him in a closet."
"I don't think that's a good idea," I chuckle.
Zayn crosses his arms. "I should've done that."
"You would have been arrested," I point out. "And we can't have that." I park the car. "Help me with the boys."
Zayn nods. He stumbles out of the car. He tries to get Liam conscious. I shake Niall. He mumbles something and pushes me away.
"Niall, we're home," I say softly. I look over, Zayn is trying to support Liam's weight in his. He falls. I snort. "I'll be right back to help." I manage to get Niall on my back, and Louis in my arms. I had to use my foot to press the elevator buttons, but I got them up to our apartment and on the couch.
I find Zayn and Liam laying on the ground. I get Liam off of Zayn and lean him against the car. I get Zayn conscious so he can walk mostly by himself. But I somehow get all of the boys on the couch. I carry Louis to our room. When I check in the boys one last time, Liam has moved over so he could cuddle with Zayn and Niall is half off the couch.
Words: 901

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