9. Destiny

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Bohemian Rhapsody- Panic! At The Disco
Week 10
Harry's POV:
I feel around my stomach. Lift up my shirt then back down again.
Niall laughs. "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to see if my belly is getting bigger," I say.
"Not yet," Liam says. "Maybe around week twelve. This article says you will start showing around the last part of your first trimester."
"Could be later since you're a male and the baby will probably growing a lot slower," Zayn points out.
I groan. "I just want to know its there!"
Liam stands up. "Lift up your shirt."
"What?" I ask.
"I'm taking a picture. It'll be for the photo album. And you'll also be able to see your progress. The article I read said you should take a photo each week. It'll give you something to look forward to."
I nod. I stand up and pull up my shirt. Liam snaps a few photos on his phone. I look at them. "My hair is getting long." I pout.
Liam opens his mouth to say something, but there's a knock at the door. Niall jumps up. "They're here!"
"Who are," I ask.
Niall opens the door. "Ashton and Luke!" He his both of the boys standing there. I run over, and join the hug. "It's been forever!" I exclaim, I hug Ashton.
"I know, a lot has happened since then," Ashton says. Liam and Zayn come over to say hi.
"We should go shopping!" Ashton says. I squeal and nod.
"Yay!" Niall exclaims.
"I don't know. Walking around so much, won't that hurt your back?" Like asks Ashton.
"Oh, come on, mom," Ash whines.
"Ashton, you got it wrong," Niall says. "It's daddy, not mom."
Everyone laughs while Luke blushes. "Fine, lets go shopping," he mumbles.
"I call going with Lashton!" Niall says running out the door.
"I'm hungry," Niall says.
"Me too," Ashton and I say at the same time.
"Okay, let's go get food," Zayn says. He takes Niall's hand.
"I'm going to keep looking while you do that," I say.
"Me too," Ashton says. "I have my phone."
The other boys leave, they know not to fight with Ashton.
We make our way to the maternity isles. Ashton is looking at all kinds of cute outfits for babies.
"How far are you?" I ask
"Five months. I think I'm in week twenty two. You lose count," he says.
"Have you found out the gender?"
"Yeah, it's a girl!" He says. "Luke wanted a boy, but I knew in my heart she was a girl."
"Have you picked out any names?"
"I wanted something like Ariel or Asia, but Luke wants something "normal" like Emma or Amelia."
"They all sound like good names."
"Yes, but I have to carry her for nine months, I'm getting what I want," Ashton says. I snort.
"So, I never got the whole story on what happened with Louis," Ashton says slowly, like he's scared. "You wanna talk about it?"
I sigh. "I'm just going to I sum it up. He claimed he's straight when I found out he was cheating on me."
"Oh no, and you cut yourself and went to the hospital?"
"Yeah, also, I need to tell you something. It's important."
"What is it?" He asks, putting slippers in the trolley.
"I'm pregnant," I say quickly.
At first Ashton's quiet. But then he starts squealing and dancing as much as he can. "Oh my god! I thought your belly looked a bit bigger, but I thought it was breakup layers. How far along are you?"
"About them weeks," I smiles. I place a comfortable hand in my stomach.
"That's like, two and a half months. Our babies are going to be best friends!" He yells.
A lady tells us to be quiet.
"Excuse me? My friend just told me he's pregnant, you would be excited too," Ashton snaps.
She gives us a disgusted look and huffs away.
"Homophobic bitch."
"Does that always happen?" I ask.
"All the time. At first it hurt, but now it's just annoying. I have every right to go out and buy stuff for my child, you do too." He puts some bottles into the trolley. "I'm assuming you don't know the gender?"
"No, the boys want to know badly, but I think I'm going to have it be a surprise. I'm waiting until it's born," I say.
"Oh, Luke and I thought about doing that. But it's so hard to do."
"I know, but it'll give me time to think of different names for all genders."
"Yeah, that's a good thing." Ashton bites his lip. "Did you tell Louis? I'm assuming he's the dad."
"He is, but I don't want to tell him. I don't want to make it his responsibility," I sigh. "The boys hate me for it, but I don't want him in my life or the babies life."
Ashton nods. "I feel you. Where are they with my food?" He takes out his phone. It rings twice before someone answers.
"Ashton? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Luke asks, alarmed.
"Where's my food?" He asks. "And Harry's. We're hinder and pregnant."
"We'll be right there, I promise the line is just huge," Luke says. I hear Zayn in the background "Harry's hungry?" Luke starts talking to them. "Be right there."
Ashton sighs. "Cravings are the worst."
"I mostly crave salads right now," I shrug.
"You're lucky, I crave cake, pickles, and cheese balls. At the same time. Luke thinks it's gross but he makes it for me anyway."
"Here!" Niall shouts. He has a half eating pretzel in his hand.
Zayn gives me cheesy fries, Ashton gets a burger and a large pickle. We find a food court to sit in, and a place to sit.
"So, Harry," Luke starts. "Niall told me you had a bun in the oven. That true?"
I nod. "Yeah, it is."
"I won't be alone anymore!" Ashton says.

""I won't be alone anymore!" Ashton says

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"How far are you?" Luke asks.
"Ten weeks," I say.
"Oh, so your's is going to be a bit younger than our little girl," Luke says, wrapping his arms round Ashton.
"It's going to be a girl?" Liam asks.
Ash and Luke both nod.
"Ours has to be a girl now," Niall says. "They have to be best friends!"
"We can't force them to be friends," I say. "But, I do want a girl."
"We have to find out immediately!" Niall says, grabbing my shoulders.
"No, I'm not finding out the gender until it's born. I only care if it's a healthy baby."
Niall pouts. "But, babies."
Words: 1100

Perfect// L.S. MPregWhere stories live. Discover now