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Doubt by Twenty One Pilots
Two weeks later.
Harry's POV:
"Harry, you all right?" Zayn asks. He knocks on the bathroom door again.
"Y-yeah," I say. I stand up. I just got done puking. Zayn and I were supposed to have a movie night, but my stomach didn't like the smell of tacos. I brush my teeth with my brush that I keep at his house.
I fjord Zayn in the kitchen. He's putting away the food. "Jeez, you look sick."
"I'm fine, it was just the smell of the taco meat," I assure him.
"Yeah, shouldn't have left that out for more than a few hours," he smiles.
We settle back on the couch. We're watching one of the footie games playing.
"So, how's life at the love palace?" Zayn asks.
I hum. "It should be good," I start. Zayn raised his eyebrows and sit up. "I mean, it is good, but I'm just a crazy man that has trust issues."
"What do you mean?" Zayn asks.
"Like, I know we have to have freedom, but lately Louis has been doing a lot of things without me. It sounds crazy, but he's always going places. I'll ask if I could come, but he immediately shuts that down." I sigh. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid."
"No, you have the right to be a little scared. It's natural. Maybe you should talk to him about it," Zayn says.
I shrug. "Yeah, I should. But what if he gets mad at me for not trusting him?"
"He loves you. I'm sure nothing will happen. But it's bad to keep stuff from each other. If you're uncomfortable with something, I'm sure he'll listen."
I'm making dinner for Louis and I. He's still out doing whatever he's doing so I thought dinner would be nice. I'm making chicken wings, mashed potatoes, and pickles. I questioned pickles at first because I usually don't like pickles, but I've been craving them all day.
I put the chicken and mash in the oven so they stay warm. I start to clean up the kitchen and dining room. The front door opens.
"Louis?" I question.
The door closes. "Hey babe," Louis' voice rings. He takes off his coat and puts it in our room. He comes back on his phone.
"I made dinner," I say.
He smiles. "That's what I smelled." He pockets his phone. "Let's eat!"
Dinner was fine. Except that he was ignoring me the whole time and was in his phone. It has probably something to do with work.
"Who are you trying?" I ask.
He sets down his phone. "Work stuff."
"Hm, must be important," I say. He nods. His phone beeps again. I put a smile on his face when Louis picks his phone up again. I wash my plate. "I'll be in our room."
I shut the door behind me. I grab my phone and dial Zayn's number.
"Hello? This is Zayn's phone," says a voice.
"Hey, Liam. It's Harry," I say.
"Hey, I'm sorry but Zayn is asleep," Liam says.
"Oh, uh. Do you think I could talk to you?" I ask.
"Yes, of course. What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks generally concerned.
"Calm down, dad," I laugh.
"Right, anyway, what happened?"
"Well, earlier today, I was at Zayn's house. Louis is out, again. I was talking to Zayn about how I think Louis is hiding something. I know I should trust him, but when I ask about it he immediately shuts down the conversation. Now he's ignoring me for someone in his phone."
"Wow," Liam says after a few seconds.
"I don't know what to do. I feel like nothing's wrong and I'm being paranoid. But what if something is wrong?"
"Haz, maybe you should talk to Louis about this?"
"I wanted to, I just don't have the balls."
Liam snorts. "If you need anything, I'll be right here." He hangs up.
I sigh and go to the living room. Louis is on the couch, texting someone. I clear my throat. He looks up at me. "Hey love," he says.
"Can we talk?" I ask.
"Yeah, but let me go to the loo first," he smiles. He gets up and leaves.
There's a ding, and I realize he left his phone. It dings again.
We're dating, I've gone through his phone before, he wouldn't mind. Would he? Is it invading privacy? We check each other's phones all the time, it should be fine.
I grab his phone and look at the texts he just received.
From: Eleanor😘
He won't find out.
From: Eleanor😘
It's not like it'd matter anyway, soon you'll be just mine and I won't have to share.
I almost fall on the ground. Is this the Eleanor from the bar? Is he cheating on me? I feel tears fill my eyes.
"Okay, so what did you want to-" Louis stops and stares at me. "What are you doing?"
"You're phone was beeping, so I checked since we do that all the time. Are you cheating on me?" I ask, letting a few tears fall.
"Uh, give me my phone," Louis demands.
I hand it too him. "Please explain."
Louis sighs. "It's not what you think."
"Then what is it?"
He closes his eyes. "The waitress at the bar slipped me her number. I wasn't going to text her, but I did. I've been seeing her for a month now."
I feel devastated. "Why?"
"Harry, I think I might be straight," Louis shrugs.
I scowl. I sit in the couch with my head in my hands.
"Harry, I'm sorry-"
"Get out," I stop him.
"I said get out!" I scream. "Pack your shit and get out, I can't see you right now!"
He steps towards me. "Harry, please be reasonable."
"Did being reasonable cross your mind when you cheated on me?!" I ask. "Get out, before I do something I'll regret."
Louis sighs. I look up and he's gone. He's packing his stuff. He's actually leaving.
Words: 1001

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