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You were late to class, again. This was the last semester of your senior year and things were a bit chaotic, to say the least. Rushing to the building, late for class again, after spending the night partying with some friends, you found the whole place crowded with agents and police officers.

You approached as near as you could and asked a few people what was going on.

A girl committed suicide. 

Someone pushed her to the edge, someone killed her.

Your eyes looking around the scene when you were abruptly interrupted by a man in a suit. He looked like a detective or a cop. 

- "Are you (Y/N)(Y/LN)?" he asked in a serious tone, all eyes on you now.

- "Yeah" you softly replied.

- "I need you to come with me to the station".

- "What? Why?" you questioned a bit nervous.

- "Please follow me, it's procedure" he replied.

You nodded still worried about the whole thing and went him to a police station near the campus.

- "The agents will be here any minute" an officer informed you. 
They made you sit in one of those interrogation rooms and gave you a cup of coffee to calm your nerves down but it wasn't helping.  Two men entered the room, snapping you out of your thoughts.

- "Miss (Y/LN)?" one of them spoke up as they threw some files on the table. They looked way too young to be FBI Agents.

- "Yes" you softly nodded with your eyes down.

- "I'm Agent Rivers, this is my partner Agent Miller" the other one said giving you his hand for you to shake. You lifted your head to lock eyes with him and his eyes were beautiful.

- "We are here to ask you a few questions about your roommate" the short one indicated. You noticed he was way less friendly than the other.

- "Sure, everything's okay?".

- "I'm guessing no one told you" he commented and you looked at him weird, then it hit you. The dead girl was your roommate.

- "What you think it happened? They were talking about a suicide or an accident".

- "We are still going through every posibility" the tall one sat next to you and gave you a sweet smile, trying to comfort you for your loss. You stared at his eyes for a little too long. 

- "Were you close?" the other one interrupted and you broke away a bit blushed.

- "No, we weren't. She was a freshman, I'm a senior, she moved in with me in the beginning of the school year" you explained.

- "Can you tell us anything about her?" the tall one asked.

- "We didn't talk that much, she was a quiet girl but seemed to be really sweet".

- "Where were you last night?" the other one questioned out of nowhere, almost implying you were a suspect. You noticed how his partner gave him a bad look.

- "I stayed the night with a friend" you replied confused. "I'm sorry, what does that have to do with...".

- "Can your friend confirm it?" he immediately added.

- "Agent Miller..." his partner tried to stop him. He wasn't liking this, not at all.

- "Yes of course!" you exclaimed then you remembered "no wait... ugh, no, he can't confirm it". 

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