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Back in the bunker again, everyone sat in the studio pretty much not knowing what to do next. Rowena interrupted everyone's thoughts as she was entering the building.

- "Just curious, has anyone bothered to look outside?" she stated leaving the door open as all walked up the long stairs to step outside.

- "Looks like the sun is..." Sam looked confused.

- "Dying. The sun is the source of all life on earth. Without it, everything just... dies" Cas explained.

- "Still got a few tricks up my sleeve" Chuck stated as he tried to pulled away from Sam's shoulder only failing and collapsing on the floor.

- "Whoa, okay. I got you" Sam reassured him.

- "I should probably sit down" he confessed as the group entered again.

Dean walked directly into the kitchen pulling a six-pack of beer out of the refrigerator. Sam and Cas walked behind him, not believing their eyes.

- "Really?" Sam asked mad.

- "Look, man. If you've got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I'll do it. I'll do it till I die. But how are we supposed to fix the friggin' sun?" Dean commented as he drank a long shot of beer.

- "Who's the girl Dean?" Castiel innocently asked since you and him still hadn't been properley introduced. He thought for a moment you were Dean's girl since you jumped to protect him. Sam shook his head, scoffing.

- "Sam's girlfriend" he softly replied looking down.

- "Apparently not anymore" Sam added mad.

- "Oh really? You're playing the jealous-boyfriend card now? We are friends, you know that right?" Dean defended himself.

- "I didn't mean to..." Cas spoke up looking down too.

- "Sammy, she's pregnant. You're going to be a dad, Cas and I are going to be uncles" Cas looked at him weird, not understanding a damn thing.

- "And your point is...?" Sam put every word his brother was saying in question.

- "That girl chose you. She chose you 9 years ago, she chose you now the minute she agreed to come here with me. You are right, I do love her. I love her to death and I love her that much to realize she loves you and she wants you. And you now what? I'm happy with it" he smiled. "I'm happy because I know you make her happy and that's enough for me". Sam looked down, a bit ashamed. "So move your jealous ass to the bedroom and check on her". Sam laughed at that last one.

- "Yes, sir" he replied with a grin as he walked away to you.

He entered your room to find you out of the bed already and in the bathroom. He sat on the bed waiting for you and it all finally got to him. He took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears from falling but it was useless. He couldn't help it.

You stepped out of the bathroom to find him there and somehow you just knew.

- "I'm going to be a dad" he grabbed your face with both of his hands. You nodded as pure happiness was leaking out of you and words couldn't come up.

- "I'm sorry I..." he shushed you with a loving kiss. He pulled you to his lap as you continue to kiss. He put his hand on your belly and more tears started to run. He hold you there for a while as both of you shared one of the sweetest moments of your life.

The clock was ticking and no one had a plan B. Chuck was falling apart, Crowley and Rowena had nothing. The end was near and it was happening right now.

Meantime, Amara found herself walking through a park, touching flowers as she walked by them. She found an old lady feeding some birds, sitting on a bench.

- "You look pretty" she said to her, Amara didn't know what to answer. "I've been feeding these boys for 20 years now. They're practically family" the old lady chuckled. "My husband died a couple of years ago, and my son keeps slipping me these brochures for retirement community, a.k.a. where they send old folks to die, but not to make a fuss about it". 

Amara looked at her in distressed as she listened to the woman.

- "So you hate him. He's trying to send you away, you must hate him" she questioned.

- "Well, a little bit, yeah but you know family. Even when you hate them, you still love them". 
Amara looked away, getting lost in her own thoughts.

In the bunker, Dean was a bit nervous. He walked over the studio to find Rowena, Crowley, Cas and Chuck arguing about who knows what. He walked the halls of the building, taking a good look at the place, every wall, every detail. The thought of being there right now and seeing those walls for the last time made him realized the good times he and Sam had spent there, so many memories invading his mind.

He walked by your room and the door was slightly open. He took a look inside and saw you and Sam laughing and kissing, messing around like you were two kids, with Sam's hands over your belly and talking to it. It made him laugh. It made his eyes well up a little too, his nephew or niece wasn't going to born, he or she was never going to have a life, learn to walk, to run, to catch, to fall in love. You and Sam weren't going to grow old, weren't going to get married and it cut him into pieces.

He went to his room, sat on the bed and rested his elbows in his knees.

"Amara..." he spoke up as he closed his eyes. He tried to get her attention. "Come on, show up". He opened his eyes but nothing had happened. He took a deep breath and tried again. "I know you can hear me, I can feel you listening to me so please, give me a ch..." he couldn't even finish the sentence as he was teletransported to the park where she was.

He looked around noticing the dead flowers and the sun dying.

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