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Both of the brothers were lying now on the ground next to your body when someone kneeled down and placed his hand over your shoulder. The boys lifted their glance to see a familiar person standing right next to them. Before they could say anything you started coughing and immediately sat on the paviment with your hand over your chest. Sam ran over next to you as he held you in his arms as tight as he could.

- "Chuck?" Dean softly asked astonished.

- "We should probably talk".

- "What the hell's going on here?" Dean exclaimed mad.

- "I'm happy to fill in the blanks, but maybe we should go somewhere where we could actually sit down" Chuck replied snapping his fingers and landing all four of you in the middle of the bunker.

 You were still coughing a little, Sam helped you get up and sit in one of the studio's chairs. It took you a moment to recompose from all the coming-back-from-the-dead thing you just went through.

- "Okay, how do we even know that you're really Chuck and not just some crazy spell or manifestation?" Dean protested, he wanted answers and he wanted them now.

- "Dean, he's God" you managed to say before drinking a glass of water Sam had handed you.

- "What?!" the boys exclaimed at the same time, then looked at Chuck.

- "I like her, she's smart" he chuckled "glad to have you back".

- "How do you know that?" Dean asked you confused.

- "Because... he brought me back".

- "Angels can do that too" he stated.

- "Yeah, I don't think angels can actually make you stay in the limbo so you could talk to your dead parents for a while" you replied grabbing you head. It was still spinning like hell.

- "I assume you liked that" Chuck questioned as he smiled at the sound of your words.

- "I'm still recovering but yeah... thanks" you grinned.

- "Okay. So, wow, um, Chuck..." Sam finally broke ice, he was so nervous. He was stuttering. "Well, I guess we don't call you that, huh?".

- "I prefer it" he took a seat in one of the chairs of the studio. Dean wasn't speaking, not even looking at him. He sat behind in one of the steps of the hall.

- "Okay, uh... I'm sorry. You're gonna have to give me a moment to start to process. We didn't even know you were around. I was hoping you were around. I prayed and..." Sam confessed

- "I'm getting that not everyone's totally on board" Chuck pointed out Dean.

- "I'm guessing you came back to help with the Darkness, and that's great. That's fantastic. But there's so much crap that has gone down on the Earth for thousands of years. I mean, plagues and wars, slaughters. I mean, were you even aware or did you just tune it out?".

- "I was aware, Dean" Chuck looked down.

- "But you did nothing. People pray to you. People build churches for you. They fight wars in your name, and you did nothing" Dean reproached.

- "I needed to step away from all of it and let my baby find its way. I get you're frustrated but this... It needed to grow".

- "Well, from where I sit, it feels like you left us and you're trying to justify it" he gruffed.

- "Dean..." you intervined. "I don't know this guy, I don't know Chuck but he's here now. He's willing to help us and honestly, I couldn't care less about what happened before because the second things went to freaking hell and I mean, end-of-the-world kind of hell, he showed up".

Feels Like Forever (Sam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now