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The hours seemed to last forever but the moment of meeting the little ones was finally here. The boys were already ready but you on the other hand, were a mess by now. 
You just wanted all to be over.

- "Alright (Y/N), you will start to push when the next contraction hits, okay? Boys, I need you to hold this gorgeous woman's hands and I hope you can handle the pressure... there's two of them now" she smiled as the boys nodded in agreement.
"Okay... Push!" she exclaimed and so you did. 
You squeezed their hands as much as you could, your face was already red. The nurse beside the doctor kept encourging you to not give up and keep pushing.

After a few minutes that seemed to last forever, at 19.23 Bobby was born.

Sam cut the cord off and damn, that crying calmed your nerves down. You threw your head back as the nurses took your baby away to clean him up. In an instant, you started to feel dizzy, you thought it was just the rush of the moment but no. 
You were bleeding out.

"Dammit!" the doctor said as she noticed the blood coming right out of your parts. They put you oxygen and ordered the boys to step aside as they worked to keep you alive. Sam was just losing his mind, no one was saying anything and all they did was just yell medical statuses and things like that.
 "She needs an emergency c-section now. Call the OR" the doctor demanded as she turned to the boys to explain the situation and the nurses took you away.
"Baby number two has his chord all wrapped up in his own neck. This is a common thing to happen but since she's having some blood loss I'm not risking it and I'll be taking the baby out myself". Sam nodded with tears in his eyes.

- "Should I...." he stuttered. He couldn't find the words to say. Dean had never seen that look of pure fear in his brother's face. 

- "Should we be worried?" Dean finished his sentence.

- "Like any other surgery it has risks. I'll let you know" she inmediatly ran out of the room as everything was set.

An hour passed and Sam was completely out of his mind. All he could think about was his newborn son, about losing you and losing his other baby. He did his best to keep it together but it was all way too much for one single hit.

The doctor finally came out with a smile on her face.

- "Congratulations. You have two beautiful healthy sons and a sleeping wife" she joked. "Everything went great, she'll be staying at least two nights here but you can meet your sons now".

She led them to your room where he found you asleep, connected to all kinds of tubes. It scared him out a little but all that vanished the minute he met eyes with his little kids.

He held Bobby first as Dean held Logan and the look on their faces said it all. Neither of them could hold it together for much longer as tears started to stream. A wave of emotions completely overwhelmed them and it was all new to them.

- "Hey..." you softly said as you were waking up from the anesthesia. "My boys" you smiled looking at all four of them. Dean approached, handing you Logan as you straighten up in the bed to hold him. You were speechless. You were feeling a whole new love that you never thought it was possible to feel. Sam sat next to you with Bobby in his arms and Dean smiled big at the picture before his eyes. He grabbed his phone and took a few pictures.

- "Okay happy family, smile for me" he yelled as neither of you could take your eyes from them. You smiled at the camara and happy tears started to fall. 

Sam looked at you and gave you the sweetest kiss. 

- "They're so tiny" you said as you grabbed Bobby's hand with your fingers. "It's so weird, you know?" you chuckled. 

- "What's weird?" Dean asked as he grabbed Logan back and Sam handed you the big brother.

- "I always thought about this moment and I always said that I wasn't going to be the kind of mom that wants to pretty much kill anyone that comes near their sons but now... I actually do" you joked. "Like, literally, I want to protect them from everything".

- "Lucky they have an angel by their side" Sam smiled as Cas looked at them from a certain distance.

- "Come here uncle number two" you joked. "Come and meet your nephews".

Cas approached and something incredible happened. Bobby reached out to him, grabbing his finger and holding it hard. Cas smiled.

- "They are beautiful" he managed to say. You noticed how overwhelmed he was about it.

You stayed there a few days just to be sure but when you were finally home, everything felt amazing. Dean had decided to stop hunting, at least for a while to help you and Sam with the babies, he knew you were going to need as much help as you could get.

 Cas came and went but to be completely honest, things in the world were calmed and quiet, almost like it knew you were all too busy to hunt.

Before you even knew it, time flew by and the boys were three year olds running through the halls of the bunker. Sam and Dean took them regularly to do the groceries in the Impala while you worked from home and sometimes, they even took them to fetch and play soccer on the park. 

These boys were legacies now, living in two worlds at the same time. 
First, a world of surreal stories where mom, dad and their uncles were the main characters of it and as they fought their way against all kinds of monsters, they found each other and learned that even if the whole damn world is going to hell, as long as they had their backs, everything was going to be okay. Through this, they were going to see with their own eyes that everything has a darkside and life wasn't the exception. But also, were going to see that at the end of the day, good always wins.

But their second world was going to be far superior. A world where love would reign. Where they led normal lives with their not-so-normal family that never, ever was going to tell them that they couldn't do or be whomever they wanted. A world filled with fun, books and music, with role models that went from an Angel of the Lord to a high school dropout with six dollars to his name.

Yeah, these boys were legacies now.

The new generation of Winchesters was going to grow up in a place where they could choose whatever they wanted to be and that, would be okay.

Feels Like Forever (Sam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now