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4 weeks later and the boys were finishing a case. They had spent the last 10 days at Bobby's house trying to have an upper hand on the demon but they had nothing.

Something odd happened to the younger Winchester along the way. He was having visions. They came and went, most of the time like really bad headaches, but they were way more frequent by now. These premonitions had led the brothers to several cases on which Sam had visions about people being in danger. He hadn't really told anyone, not even his brother until one night, when things took a more scary turn for him; he began having visions of your death.

He decided to wait and see if it was just a one-time-thing but it wasn't, every night he would go to sleep and have horrible nightmares of you dying in so many different ways, including a death just like his mother. He started to sleep less and less with every passing day. He didn't talked to Dean, he had stopped calling you, texting you. You had a nasty fight one of those nights, you were being just like you always were, asking him about his day and just being there for him when he was being a complete asshole to you. You ended up hanging up the phone when he started to yell at you. You couldn't understand a damn thing and being so far away from each other wasn't helping either.

It had been two weeks since the last time you two talked, he wasn't answering his phone, neither responding your texts. You didn't know what to do anymore.

Dean's phone rang and to his surprise it was you.

- "Hey, what's up?" he picked up happy to hear from you.

- "Hi Dean" you paused in an awkward silence.

- "Are you okay?" he asked worried.

- "Are you alone?" you replied.

- "Yes, (Y/N), what the hell is going on?".

- "Nothing, is just that... I haven't heard from Sam in a while and...".

- "Wait, what? Since when?" he couldn't believe it.

- "Two weeks maybe".

- "Son of a bitch" Dean grit his teeth. He hated seeing him hurt you, you were one of his closest friends and it made him so mad hearing you so heartbroken.

- "It's fine really, I just... I want to know if he's okay" you softly replied.

- "To be honest, he's been acting weird lately but I thought he was just missing you or something".

- "Nope, not me" you chuckled but you were actually sad, doing your best not to break down over Dean's call.

- "I'll talk to him, don't worry. It's probably nothing" he tried to make you feel better but you knew something was wrong.

Dean started noticing more and more how weird his brother was acting, realizing he wasn't practically sleeping and wasn't over his phone every minute of the day like he used to.

- "Hey Sammy?" he started the conversation to see if he was telling anything while he sat on the bed of the motel. "How's (Y/N)?".

- "Why?" he replied without taking his eyes off the window.

- "Why what?" Dean asked confused.

- "Why you're asking, since when do you care?" Sam replied in a flat tone.

- "Since she's also my friend?" he answered making it sound pretty damn obvious.

- "She's fine" he retorted.

- "That's not what I heard" Sam glared at him really bad. "Come on, man. She sounded so...".

- "She called you?" Sam asked shaking his head in disbelief.

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