Chapter 2

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Son for this chapter: Me Too by Meghan Trainor

Chapter 2
I look at the shinning screen of my phone and I smile. That means that he'll have to pass the proofs that all rookies have to pass when they’re new at school.

Great ;): I text her back. My brother Auden stands on his tiptoes to read the message and I move the phone so he can't read what I’m texting to my friend.

"You now what?" he tells me. I look at him curiously. "I don't want to know what are you planning, but I bet that it's nothing good" I roll my eyes and I keep on walking down the streets of New York with my brother by my side. There’s no way Auden can know about this. He'd tell mom and dad an I'd be punished during an entire year. Yeah, definitely that would be horrible.

"Well, that's awesome 'cause I don't want you to know either so..." I say sarcastically. Yeah, I’m a very sarcastic person. My dad loves my sense of humor because sometimes ours is very similar. Obviously I don't make period jokes like he does.

"You do know that you're not funny, right?" I start laughing because of his question and put my hands on my chest dramatically.

"Am I not?" I ask him falsely worried. Auden rolls his eyes again and I put my hand on his shoulder. "My whole life I’ve tought I was the funniest member of the Scott family !"

"So sorry for you, but Daddy is" I start laughing and we enter his school. It's full of people of different ages, uncle Landon works in this school and he's Auden's teacher.

"Well, I guess you're right" I bend down on my knees to be at my brother’s height.

"I'm always right" I look into his grey eyes, they are the exact same ones as my mother’s. His brown curly hair is a little bit messy and the school uniform that he's wearing is wrinkled, dad should have ironed it.

"Whatever you say big guy" I tell him "tell uncle Landon that I love him" he nods and starts walking up inside the building. I grab his elbow to stop him and he turns to look at me.

"What is it Em?" he asks.

"You forgot something" I point a finger to my cold cheek and he smiles. He kisses it gently and I wrap my arms around him, giving him a big hug. "I love you Auden" I tell him while he's in my arms. I love my brother so much. We often have little fights but he's my life beside my parents. If something bad happened to one of them I’d go insane.

"I love you too Em" I frown.
« Don’t say too » I smile remembering what dad thinks about that "dad always says that you shouldn’t" I don't really know why he says so but I feel that if I say it I’m failing him, I don't how to explain this weird feeling.

"True" agrees Auden "then.. I love you sis" I hug him one last time and when we finish he walks towards the school. I look at the time and I jump, I’m super late. Syd is going to kill me.

I start running through the streets of my city and I can feel the eyes on me. People stare at me like I’m an alien or something, but I really don't have time to care. It’s the fifth time in a month that I'm late for school, and that's trouble. My black bots tap on the floor causing an annoying noise. My bag with all of the books I’m carrying is very heavy and that makes my velocity decrease. I have to dodge the people that are walking calmly down the streets. Some of them tell me how rude I am and I apologize for that. When I'm almost at the entrance of the school I crash with a tall boy that is listening to music with a pair of big red headphones, my bag falls onto the ground and all my books end scattered on the roads wet surface.

"Omg, so sorry. Let me help you" the tall guy says. I recognize the voice with a noticeable british accent instantly.




some of you have told me that you like so much the story and i wanna thank you all of you for that. it's a little bit hard to me write in english cause i don't speak it perfectly ;)

Don't be shy and let me know what do you think about the story :)

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INSTAGRAM: ireafternator


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