Chapter 11

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I wake up the next morning thinking about the conversation that I had with Sydney Last night.
I don’t feel like going to the school. Working with a guy that I don’t know don’t motivate me at all.

Mom says that everyone deserves a chance, so I’ll follow her advice and I’ll give him his first and only chance. As I have said before, I don’t know him but I think that It’ll be difficult to make a project that exceed my expectations and Mr. Robinson’s ones.

I always put my heart and soul on everything that I do, and of course I always like to be the best of my class and if I am not able to reach that goal because of Matt I’ll be so pissed.
It’s not incompatible being kinda rebel and hard-working. I know how to be serious when I must to.

I put my feet on the cold floor and I walk towards my wardrobe. I choose a white t-shirt, black ripped jeans, a denim jacket and a pair of black boots.
Once I have dressed up I go downstairs and I have breakfast with my parents and my brother.

 “Good morning little beast” I look down at him as I take a green apple and I bite it.

 “Good morning Em, and my name is not little beast” he answers back as he puts a spoon full of cereal on his mouth.

 “Just kidding” I shrug and I leave the bitten apple on the isle that is on the middle of the kitchen. I take the carton of milk and I put some of its content on a glass. A cold glass of milk to start the day.

 “So what are your plans for today?” Dad calls out. He leans his both hands on the granite surface. “Today it’s Friday and I supposed you would like to hang out with Sydney or Addy”.

 “I actually don’t have any plans for today. I think that I’ll stay at the library the whole afternoon working on a new chemistry project” I reply back as I check my mobile phone searching for new messages but nothing appears there on the screen.

 “Hum…” He groans curious “what is the project about? I would help you but I’m afraid that I’m not very keen on chemistry, I prefer literature” He smirks and blink an eye to my mum. I roll my eyes and I put my phone inside my bag.

 “Thanks dad but it is not necessary” I announce.

 “And do you work with Sydney or by your own?” Why everybody knows me so well? He perfectly knows that I would have chosen Sydney for the project.

 “Actually neither of those two options” He raises his eyebrow and I sigh “They formed couples when Jeanine and I were at the Noah’s office so Brandy, Jeanine’s bitch, and Sydney hadn’t a mate and Mr. Robinson thought that they could form a couple so yeah… Now I have to work with the new guy” I explain everything without much detail about how pissed I feel about Mr. Robinson’s decision.  It’s totally unfair

 “Oh there is a new guy in your class!” exclaims mom with joy and excitement on her eyes. “What is his name?” I don’t see the point of that question but I don’t want to be rude with her so I reply her back.

“Matthew Evans”

 “God, that fucking surname it’s going to chase me for the rest of my life” dad laughs as mom drink a sip of her coffee.

 “Alright, I don’t understand anything so I think that Auden and me should be going” My parents nod as I take my brother’s hand and I open the principal door.

 “Have a good day!” mom exclaims when I have almost closed the door.

 “You too” I answer back.

 Auden starts talking about the latest book that he has read and I listen him patiently. I’ve always love discussing about books with people. We spend the whole way to his school talking about that how much he has loved it, I smile when he finished every single sentence. I love him.

 “You know what, I’ll buy you the second part of the saga” I tell him when we arrive, uncle Landon is waiting for his students on the entrance. He opens his eyes with joy and he hugs me.

“Would you do that’” I nod and I hug him back. I take his hand and I take him by my uncle’s side.

 “Hi uncle Landon” I greet him and he greets me too. “Take care of this little beast” I laugh and Auden frowns.

 “Do you mean this angel? He actually behaves so well, better than you at his age” I roll my eyes and Landon laughs “You certainly were a little beast”

 “Oh c’mon, I wasn't a little beast. I was the devil in person” Auden laughs too this time. After a few minutes of joking between us three, I leave that place and I walk to my high school.

 When I’m there I enter in class I take the seat next to Matthew because the rest of the seats are taken. Each couple is with their partner.

I look at Sydney that is seated with Brandy and she makes a disgusted face. I laugh as silent as I can and I turn to look at Matthew again.

 “So are you better today?” he asks as he scratches the back of his neck.

 “Excuse me?” I know right that he is trying to be polite but the truth is that he doesn’t even know me enough to worry about me.

“hum... I just wanted to know if you were okay” her face turns red and he puts his head down ashamed.

 “oh yeah, thank you for asking” I don’t want to seem like a monster the first day that I have a real conversation with him “Sorry it is just… I’m still trying to process everything that happened that is all” I give him the best fake smile that I can draw on my face and as I had imagined He doesn’t even notice that it’s not a true act kindness.

 “Cool then” I nod as I open my chemistry book and I take a piece of paper and a pen to annotate everything that can be interesting for the project.

 “So the project is about atoms and molecules right?” he confirms by noodling his head “And have you thought about something interesting that we could do to impress Mr. Robinson?” He raises up his chin and scratches it in a gesture of concentration “Don’t take it personal, but I always like to be the best on everything I do” he laughs as I raise up my eyebrow and scribble on the piece of paper.

 “Actually why don’t we do something about how atoms and molecules react on plants?” I almost laugh because of his suggestion but I don’t want to make him think that I am making fun of his idea or something so I contain myself.   

 “Are you kidding? Plants?” god that sounds really really stupid. Who the hell would care about a damn plant.

 “No, I’m serious” because of his facial expression I can tell that he is not kidding. “I think that it could be so interesting, let me explain it to you Scott” C’mon Emery let’s give him that chance.

 “I’ll listen to you” I invite him to talk

 “Have you ever heard about shining plants” what the hell?

 “Actually I don’t know so much about that theme but I think that I have heard about them somewhere” and that is true, I think mom or dad mentioned them once.

 “My father developed a process to make them shine when he was at college, he basically created them. I think we could ask him for help, He could explain us how atoms move and react when the plant changes its internal structure to create a total different external appearance and how atoms are involved in that process. It could be more than interesting don’t you think” Oh dear Matt that sound so much better. I’m hundred per cent sure that I’ll reach the A+ with this project.

 “When do we start?” Matt smiles pleased.


Shining Plants? That means that... Zed Evans is coming!

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