Chapter 9

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My mom's face turns pale when my dad says the name of that woman. She must have hurt so much my mother in the past. I know that right because my mom is a strong powerful woman and She would never loose composure because of a silly-teenage buissness of the past. Definitely the thing, was serious.

After all that meditations that have overwhelmed my mind for a few instants I run to my mom's arms to hug her tightly, She needs our support right now.
"Are you okay mom?" I groan againts her neck. She nods and I can feel her soft blonde straight hair caressing my cheek softly. "Are you sure" this time She doesn't nod but shakes her head. Of course that she is not okay. Bad memories of her past have come back to her life.

"I'm okay..." She says with not much conviction in her voice "It's just that It shocked me a little" I wouldn't say a little but I keep my mouth closed because I don't want to bother her or make her feel worse than she's feeling right now. I may seem rebel to people, but I think that I'm a good daughter or at least that's what I try.  " I never thought that I would hear about her ever again in my whole life. She did certain things that weren't okay and God knows that I don't wish her anything bad for that, even though all that pain that she caused me, that caused us" She corrects herself including dad too. "I'm not that kind of person, rencorous" because of the look on the face of my father, I can tell that he doesn't agree with her beliefs. He would kill anyone who'd try to hurt anyone of his beloved ones. "And I won't never be, I won't change the way I am because of her, because of anyone" dad nods siently. He neither wants to say a word, she respects her so much.

"Look..I don't know her, I don't even know what did she do to you" I tell my mom. My hands are now on my hips, shaking because of the nerves that I feel right now. It's a hard moment to us "But there was something in the look of her eyes that perturbed me in a very scary way" It may sound stupid, even crazy. But I swear that I'm not lying. She had malice on her eyes. Dad nods and that little gesture that anyone that didn't know him enough wouldn't have noticed it makes me think that I've never been so right in my whole life.

"Do you know what?" Dad interrupts, for a moment I think that he's gonna tell me the whole story, but he doesn't "I don't wanna spend my time talking about a shitty person" I would like to agree with him but i Just can't. I wanna know the truth about this whole thing, I'm ready. And I don't give a fuck if I have to walk this path alone, I'll discover everything by my own, I'm strong enough.  

I just simply nod so my parents don't suspect about my intentions and i Quick add with a very calm level of voice.

"Okay..I'm a little tired, It's been a rough day, I would love going to my room to rest and relax a bit. I need to take a shower like so bad" dad nods for the fifth time in the past fifteen minutes giving me his approval and mom kisses my forehead gently.

"Sure little bean" I smile because of that name and I quickly go upstairs. When I'm at the top of the stairs I can hear my parent's voice talking about this thing on whispers. Everything is gonna be alright I cheer up myself with my hand on the Knob of my beedrom.

I open It slowly like if I was afraid of the things on the other side and I can feel the warm air hitting my face. It's so hot in here. I take my scarf and my coat off and I throw my bag over the fluffy matress where I sleeep every day. I open the bag and I take my mobile phone out of it. I must text Syd, She'll be probably worried about me.

Hey Syd, I'm sorry I couldn't even say goodbye or just notify  u but I had to leave. All that Jeanine thing didn't turn well. I'll call you tonight and I'll explain u everything :)

She's now at school, I should be too, so she won't see the text until the first rest or even after school. I decide to leave the phone in my desk and I sit on a chair in front of it.

I open my laptop and the screen turns bright in a few seconds. When the laptop is complitely switched on I see my wallpaper that I did myself and wich I really love.
It's like a collage made of with photos of the people I love.
Auden and I playing on the grass, my parents smiling in front of the camera, Addy and uncle Landon huging each other, my two grandmothers, Vance and Kimberly with Ally and Smith playing with my hair with a smile on his face while I laugh because of that.
I think that one is favourite, I have a very good relationship with my uncle. We're nearly the same age and that make us closer to each other.
My cousin Addy is a really good friend of mine too, I love her so much.

I remove all those thoughts of my mind and I start a kind of investigation about that woman.
I search her name on google but nothing appears. I search Jeanine's father name maybe there's something on Google related with his wife but I only now his surname so it doesn't makes sense keep searching. There's thousand, even million of people whose surname is Cooper.

After two hours of searching without any result I decide that It's time to give up for today.
I lay down on my bed too tired to move. My hands are around my messy blond hair and sweat is running through my back so I think that taking a shower may relax me and clean me up as well.

I walk to door of my private bathroom and I take all of my clothes off.
I guess that living on a big house in the middle of brooklyn is a very good advantage. I have my own bathroom where nobody interrupts me.

I put myself on the shower and I open the tap. The warm water drops hit my face and calm me down in a very relaxing way. My muscles usually contracted are now relaxed because of the water effect and my messy hair is straightened over my shoulders. There's a big steam cloud around my body, I could spend my whole day but I'm afraid that that won't be possible.

After a half an hour I go out of the shower with a soft thin towell covering my body. I feel so cold right now so I try to take my clean clothes as fast as possible.
Once I'm ready I pick my phone from the desk where I left it before and I turn on the screen.

I have a missed called from Addy, I'll call her later, and a text from Sydney. I open this one quickly and my eyes read its content.

Oh dear don't worry♡ and believe me when I say you that every one on the school knows about your fight. She is expelled from the school three days..and she's not gonna be happy when she's back...

"Great! The day gets better" I tell myself sarcastically.


So...Here i am after a long long time. I am so sorry guys but I had so many tests and I could not write anything.
But I have some good news for you... the summer is here and I'm free!
I'll try to update at least once a week, but maybe there are week where I upload more chapters idk.
Anyway, sorry for the typos. I'm writing with my phone and it's hard lol
As always, please vote, comment, share and tell me:

Did you like this chapter? I hope so, cause I actually wrote it yesterday and I was about to upload it but wattpad deleted it so yeah.. I had to write it again :(

This is being so long lmao, I'm sorry.

Love you guys so much! See you soon☆

Twitter: hessaaddict
Instagram: hessaaddict

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