Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
"Emery!" my uncle exclaims " It’s so nice to see you again" I smile happily and I hug him. My uncle Smith is not much older than me so we have a very good relationship. He lives in Seattle since he's the new boss at the editorial that Vance has there.

"What brings you here in New York?" I ask him, curious.

"I just came to buy a hot dog" he points a finger to the hot-dog stand and I start wondering "I'm kidding" he says laughing too. "I want to see my family again, you know... my dad, my sister, Kim, Hardin, you..." Vance and Kim live here with his daughter Allison. I love visiting Vance, Kim and Ally. Kim is the funniest woman in the world, I love when she gossips with my mum and I about things that happen at the Vance's editorial. She told us once that a few years ago there was a guy at the office called Trevor that liked making out on his office. Definitely that guy was weird, Fucking Trevor.

"Oh that's Fantastic! Mum and dad will be glad to see you again, and Kim and Vance too of course" I say while I grab my books from the floor and I put them back inside the bag.

"I hope so. By the way, what were you waiting for? Shouldn’t you be in class right now?" I bow my head and I start scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah I should, but I'm late so.." I tell him ashamed.

"Oh God, are you that late? you must be kidding me" My brows rise when I hear Smith's laugh. Why on earth is he laughing?

"It's true, I'm so late ! To be honest this is the fifth time of this month that I am" I say innocently. Smith is....amazed? "What?" I ask him laughing.

"Oh my goodness Emery, you're exactly like your father!" I don't understand why people always say that. But I don't particularly care, I love my father. He's fantastic, I’d love to be like him someday. So if I am, then it’s for the best.
I look at my phone and I discover three unread messages from my best friend Sydney.

Syd: Where the hell are you??

Syd: Are you crazy? Omg Emery I am going to kill you !

Syd: Actually, better not. You're my bff, I love you XD   

I smile when I see the messages on the shinning screen. Syd is crazy as fuck but I am too so I don't care because together we are the most coolycrazy girls.

"Sorry uncle Smith but I have to go now or my friend will kill me, and I'm good alive so... Plus if I continue on I’ll been late for second period" Smith nods and he gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"C’mon go" He points a finger to High school and I smile "I want you alive" I start running and my uncle goes the opposite direction.

"See yo soon! Don't forget to come and visit us!" I shout. Smith turns his head and smiles from the distance.

"Sure" He yells back.

"Love you!" And after that I run faster than ever, thank God I'm near school now so I don't have to run much more.

I finally can see the buildings of red bricks. I sigh when I'm in front of the big entrance. I go in dragging my feet. The steel door makes an rude sound when I open it. The warm air of inside the building is silent and no one’s in the corridors. I walk quietly to the class, I can observe the people sited on their chairs waiting for the teacher's explanation. I open the door and everyone in class looks at me, including Sydney and Mrs.Woodhand, our teacher.

"Miss Scott, you're late, again" I put my head down to cover my smile, I should invent a really good excuse.

"Yeah, but I have a really good reason for that."  Mrs. Woodhand is almost blowing a fuse, and I can see Jeanine, the popular girl of our class, laughing. She hates me because I'm nicer looking, I'm smarter and my father is hotter and richer than hers. Honestly I don't give a fuck about my father being a popular writer, I would love him as much if he were poor and unknown, he’s my father. Conclusion, Jeanine is a real bitch.

"What is this time? Your dog bit you again? I know that you don't even have any Mrs. Scott" I try to talk but I can't say anything, he continues on.

"Sit down please, I don't want to hear your excuses anymore, we’ve lost enough time.» I nod and I go to last line of tables where my friend is sitting. She likes to sit in the back of the class so she can talk and teachers can't hear her.

"What is wrong with you? Half an hour late?! Don’t you think that’s a little to much?" She whispers loudly. I can't answer all the questions at the same time.

"Sorry, I had to leave my brother at school and then I ran into Smith and I talked with him for like about five minutes" She smiles and starts drawing on her notebook.

"Oh yeah, I remember him, Smith your hot uncle." She croaks. I look at her "Ew Syd, he's my uncle. Talking about him like that is... just too gross for me" She shifts and continues drawing on her notebook. She's drawing runes from the mortal instruments books, both of us are so obsessed with that book series.

"Okay, okay I get it, but he's hot anyway" I start laughing but I’m interrupted by a squeaky openning door noise. A tall guy with dark hair and caramel eyes comes in the class accompanied by the director.

"Here's the new student" says Mr. Porter to Mrs. Woodhand. My mother knows Noah Porter, the director, they’re really good friends. Mr.Porter's daughter is in class with Syd and I, she's a nice calm girl. Mrs. Woodhand nods and Noah exits the classroom.

"Here's Matt Evans" Our teacher presents the tall guy "He is going to be your new classmate" I can see Jeanine already slobbering and showing her cleavage to the new guy. How can you be such a slut. Matt is standing in the center of the class holding a strap of his bag on his left shoulder. He’s wearing a black shirt and blue jeans, a very casual style.

"Great ! The new guy is in our class" says Syd, I look at her smile and I  smile too.


tara..! the third chapter is up! hope you've enjoyed it! thanks for the 100 views that means a lot to me cause write in english is harder than i though so..hahahah.  Anyway, vote, comment an share.

the girl of the picture is Syd :))


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