Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
"Please take a sit Mr.Evans" Matt nods and he walks straight to my friend and I. Sydney looks at me and she scribbles quicly on a piece of paper. She gives me the note and I read it.

"This is gonna be so fun" I read the text and I can see that Syd has drawn a smiley  face next to the text. That reminds me instantly my mom. She has tattooed a yellow smiley face on her wrist, and my father always makes fun of that.

Matt sits just by my side and he smiles at me. Why the hell is he smiling at me? We aren't even friends. That gesture makes me feel uncomfortable so I force a little smile to come out and put my eyes back on the board.

"Well, today we're going to talk about literature and the writers of our times" I feel everybody in the class’s eyes over me. Most of them knew that my father is Hardin Scott, and most of them have read  After. " And... Who'd be better to talk about it than Mr.Hardin Scott, one of the most famous writers our time."

Mr.Woodhand points a finger at the door and I cover my face with my two hands when I see my father coming in the room.
He’s wearing the same clothes from morning but now his long curly hair is untied.

"Well, take a seat Mr.Scott please" Syd laughs when she sees my facial expression and I give her a little tap on the shoulder. Even though I love my father, this is very embarrassing. He's here, talking about After which is based on my parents love story, I’m uncomfortable.
I don't know why, but I never felt the want to read After. I think if someday I do it, it’ll be by need.

"Hi guys" his voice sounds deep and not too loud, he raises his hand up greeting everyone’s attention in the class and he offers me a wink  when our gaze meets.

"Hi" I muter. All the students in the class do the same so my voice gets lost in the crowd.

"As you know Mr.Scott is Emery’s father" He starts with. I feel way too observed in this moment to be honest. Was that necessary Mr.Woodhand? I want to hide, but my mind and my common sense say that I must keep my shit together. "He's here to talk to you about the new writers, and the importance of reading. We need more young writers!!" His words are true, I always wanted to be a writer because I’m crazy about reading. My dad and my grandfather used to buy me any book when I was little, I guess that being the daughter of a writer and the granddaughter of the boss of an editorial helps. Unfortunately, now I have to buy them by myself.

"So true" my dad nods "Fuck the people who tell you no, if you want be a writer be a writer. A really special person in my life taught me years ago that we have to fight for our dreams and never give up" from his tone and because of the way his eyes brighten, a brightness that you only get when you're in love, I know that he's talking about mum.

Jeanine looks at him with a disgusted face and I have to contain myself to not jump of my seat and beat her up. Did I mention that she's a bitch? Yeah, I think so.

"A beautiful quote Mrs.Scott" says Jeanine sarcastically. She’s getting on my nerves really quickly there. "I would like to talk about the book, After" Oh this is gonna end well, with a murder. I stare at Syd to contain myself, and then I turn my head to watch Matt that is looking at my father.

"Yeah of course" my father says. He touches his hair and crosses his legs. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, I'd like to comment some parts" Every muscle in my body is tensed, and I know that my best friend can feel my hate so she puts her hand on my leg trying to relax me.

"Please Em, ignore her, she's a bitch and she's doing this just to piss you off" She whispers in my ear. Sydney is right, Jeanine envies me.

"I really liked the part when you burned down the house where you grew up, you must have been really angry at that moment" What? my eyes open wide, she's a fucking liar my father would never do that!!! "Or the part decided to stay in England and your girlfriend had to return home alone" That can't be true, maybe the girl wasn't my mother and she was a bitch like Jeanine or... I don't know. I'm feeling really bad and I think I might throw up this instant. I decide to leave the classroom.
I need to be alone in this fucking moment, this is so fucked up. I'm sure that my father would never do these horrible things, it’s all made up. He's one of the best persons that I’ve ever known.

I shut the classroom’s door that’s behind me and all I see are Jeanine’ victory look and my father’s worried expression. I run through the corridor to the fresh air from outside slapping my face.

"Scott" I hear a deep voice that is calling me, a voice that I've never herd before. "Are you okay?" I turn and see Matt with his arms crossed and his look on me.





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