Movie Night

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Jimin's Point of View


I answered the phone just after I left Jugkook, turning my back at him

>>Hello Yoongi?<<

>>Hey, where are you Ji? You're late<<

>>Sorry, just left the gym. Today Hoseok hyung made us do extra practice, and i also run up to Jungkook.. I will head home and take a shower, then i'll come i swear!<<

He remained silent on the other line


>>Yeah whatever..hurry<<


Yoongi chuckled on the other line and hung up. I hurriedly ran home to prepare myself for the night i was going to spend at my friend's house. We were going to watch Attack on Titan the Movie, and then go to bed, we had school tomorrow after all.


I knocked at the door and Yoongi soon came to let me in, smiling at me.

>>Again sorry for my lateness<<

>>No problem, i was just worried for you, that's all<<

I left my shoes at the entrance, following him further into the house and to the sofà in the livingroom

>> told me you bumped in Jeon Jungkook on the way home right? Did he do something to you? I swear, if he laid one single finger on you..<<

>>No no, actually he has been really nice with me! He's a good guy, and- oh! Did you know he dances too?<<

I said smiling brightly. Maybe his attitudes towards me were just a way to befriend me? Maybe he just didn't know how to talk to me or didn't know how to approach me?

>>Ji, listen to me carefully, that Jungkook isn't a good person, get it? Stay away from him, it's better for you, I don't wanna see you being hurt<<

>>But Yoongs, he's nice...and actually i think he's pretty cute..?<<

I said avoiding his intense gaze, fearing his reaction. He huffed running a hand through his blonde locks. He laid his eyes on me

>>Okay..but i don't want you two alone, 'kay? I want to be with you when he's around. Every time.<<

I nodded my head happily

>>I think you're gonna like him!<<

He whispered something else, but i couldn't get it.

>>What did you say?<<



We put on our pajamas, and watched the movie eating slices of pizza paired with a lot of coca-cola, without counting all the times I screamed for my beloved Eren's dear life! MiKAsa yOu hAD One jOb.

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now