My Hero

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Jimin'sPoint of View


December 17, Monday 7.45 am


I was already in class, I loved when Yoongi would pick me up from home a bit earlier than usual, bring me to school, and just drop me to class and leave me alone. I loved having those fifteen minutes just for me, considering that I was never left with me and my thoughts only. I placed my school bag on the back of the chair, and hanged my coat at the hanging thing on the wall, at the back of the class room. Then I quietly took my seat at the second row of desks. I was checking my homework when a pair of hands banged harshly on the surface, startling me and making me shot up my eyes in pure shock. There was a girl I didn't know in front of me, with another five or six friends. I looked at them with concern

>>D-do you need anything..?<<


She replied looking down at me, almost with a judgemental expression

>>Are you Park Jimin?<<

They all looked around the second and third grade. I mumbled a positive response, and immediately all of them leaned on my desk dangerously close

>>Is it true that you're seeing Jeon Jungkook?<<

>>Someone saw you two kissing!<<

I sat speechless while my eyes travelled on every spot of the class without meeting those curious eyes. It was true that we weren't being that secretive, we weren't hiding it, but coming in my class like this..

>>How could that be? Look at him, it's too nerdy, even if he's cute, it can be Jungkook is seeing him<<

Another one spoke. I lowered my head in shame

>>True..maybe he's the wrong one? Or maybe it's all a rumor-

>>Nevertheless I'm his boyfriend<<

I spoke lifting my chin

>>I am his boyfriend. I'm seeing him. We're dating. Explain it how you like, but this won't change. Got problems with that?<<

I said rising my voice and looking at them with a building confidence trembling in my stomach

>>Don't be so sure of yourself! If he's the Jungkook, he's not probably taking this seriously at all, or maybe you're even lying..what a poor lie<<

And she bursted into a loud laugh along with another pair of them. My lips took the shape of a line as I felt my eyes burning.

You're a fucking crybaby Jimin! Not in front of them, not in front of them, not in front of them!

I bit my lips so harshly, trying to contain the tears that threatened to spill from my orbs, that I tasted the blood on my tongue

>>Ohhh look, he's crying! What are you, in kindergarten?<<

She said giving some harsh pats on my shoulder, and then a rather gentle slap on my face. I couldn't do anything more than seat silently, defeated.

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now