[65] Who?

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Jungkook's Point of View

27 January, Monday


I made my way towards Jimin, who was animatedly talking with Yoongi at his desk, in the classroom, Taehyung following me like a lost puppy

>>I thought only us from second year were going to go! So, hum..it makes four classes in total up to now right?<<

Jimin squealed with an excited grin, at which his friend nodded, as pleased as my boyfriend, who again spoke quickly

>>Let's share the room! Do you think it will be okay even if we're not classmates? I mean..we're not even at the same grade, but..<<

Jimin was slurring so much that I couldn't even tell what they were talking about

>>I think so, what can that possibly change?<<

Yoongi replied

>>Ow ow but I wanted to be in Jimin's room too!<<

Taehyung added at the conversation without giving it a second thought, and seating on the same chair as the blonde one, who looked to be on the verge of killing the brunette. Jimin chuckled, tucking his head to the side with an apologetic expression

>>Sorry Tae, let's do it next year? Yoongi will graduate anyway!<<

>>You don't want me being around, I see!<<

Yoongi joked, at which Jimin laughed

>>You know it's not true Yoongs!<<

>>Yeah, I know<<

Said the latter, with an idiotic smile while looking at the younger

>>So, what are y'all hyped about?<<

I asked all of sudden, standing behind Jimin's chair, with my back on the other desk. Three pair of eyes peeked at me all at once, but all I was looking at were Jimin's ones. He was the one to reply me

>>All of us are going to an event in Seoul in two months, but it's just a three day thing, so we will spend only two nights! I can't wait, it looks so interesting!<<

>>Oh but the unlucky-kook it's just a baby, and can't come along since it's just for third and second graders!<<

Taehyung added mockingly towards me. I cocked an eyebrow up

>>Look you idiot, first graders are going too. And that means me as well Tae<<

His mouth took the shape of an O, as the realization had slapped him right in that ugly face of his

>>Kookie, seriously??<<

Jimin asked me, with his mouth taking a nice curve as he smiled adorably. I nodded, but then pouted

>>But you already have a roommate. Sigh, I will just stick with Taeshit then<<

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